This week, it happened in Chicago. The public got lucky and a rude, hateful, divisive person went down to defeat. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost her reelection race in the Democrat primary.
Back when she was elected mainstream media made sure everyone knew that she made history as the first black female and first openly lesbian Chicago mayor. You know, that "making history" stuff is so very important for those who place a greater emphasis on race and gender over ability and talent. But now she has made history once again by being the first incumbent mayor in 40 years to lose reelection to a second term. She received only 16% of the total vote. Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson outdid her and will be in contention for a runoff next month.
Of course Lightfoot is claiming racism and homophobia did her in. Interesting how she never said that her race, gender, and sexual preference was what got her into office is the first place. I guess the voters have turned into bigots since 2919. Yes, that's it. Chicago voters are racist. I'm sure a soaring crime rate, rising immigration rates, and decline in education had nothing to do with it. Add to that her "my way or the highway" style of governance. But being a Democrat is never taking responsibility. You are always the victim.
The Chicago Tribune called her a "divisive leader who was unable to build political coalitions or maintain relationships." To say the least. In reality, she fought with just about everybody she dealt with. Always applying the race and gender cards to explain away the motives of those who didn't agree with her.
During the Democrat primary campaign she injected race into it and said that voters who don't support her shouldn't show up to the polls. But here are the facts on her record. Under Lightfoot, Chicago recorded 695 murders at the end of 2022 and 804 in 2021 Ñ a level not seen in the Windy City in a quarter-century. Shootings and carjackings also skyrocketed.
In addition, the city saw more than 20,000 cases of theft in 2022, nearly double the amount of theft incidents in 2021, as reported by the Chicago Police Department's end-of-year report. For the first three weeks of 2023, crime rates in the city have skyrocketed by 61%, compared to last year, according to Chicago police.
Violent crime in the city spiked by 40% since she promised during her inaugural address to end the "epidemic of gun violence that devastates families, shatters communities, holds children hostage to fear in their own homes," the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
But never mind that. Lightfoot alleged in the New Yorker on Saturday that critics of her four-year tenureÊjust don't want to see "a black woman" in leadership. "I am a black woman Ñ let's not forget, certain folks, frankly, don't support us in leadership roles."
It's the same old song, sung over and over for the Dems. It's always about the bad racist, homophobes, and misogynists keeping the poor underclass down. It's right out of the Marxist textbook. The mantra will never change because so much of the time it seems to work to their benefit. And for many of us who actually see through the lies it can get depressing.
But every now and again we get lucky. Last night was one of those times. A race baiting divisive politician lost and, at least for the time being, the people of the city of Chicago won.