
March 4th, 2025


Back to Normal

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Feb. 28, 2025


Much of what President Trump is doing to "make America great again," is really just getting our country back to normal. Restoring "common sense" he says. What is common sense?

Common sense is girls' sports only for girls, not boys. Common sense is keeping men out of women's restrooms. Common sense is strengthening our military to better protect us and securing our national borders to keep out drug cartels, criminals, and terrorists. Making our country energy independent again.

Getting back to normal is allowing individuals to make their own choices about what type of cars to buy, how to heat their homes, and what kitchen appliances to use. And allowing parents to raise their children without infringement and brainwashing by the government.

The Trump haters say this is all based in racism and white privilege. They say it will take the country back one hundred years before civil rights. Leftists think we are all as simpleminded as they are. What does civil rights have to do with making sure boys stay out of little girls restrooms? What does civil rights have to do with keeping America's borders safe from those who would harm us? Or giving Americans the right to choose how to live their lives and not be told by government what products they must buy.

No, getting back to normal doesn't mean putting blacks back into chains. It means all Americans of every color and ethnicity have the freedom to live their life as they wish, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. I happen to be old enough to remember exactly what normal used to be in our country.

Normal used to be that the United States of America was made up of a melting pot of people, people who united under one American culture. Over the past several decades the so-called "progressives" have divided us by ethnic, racial, and sexual tribes, keeping Americans in their own "groups." This is not only not normal; it is not healthy for a nation.

America used to be a shared culture. We watched the same movies, we listened to the same music, the same TV shows, we laughed at the same jokes. We had commonality as a nation. We were Americans, not Jewish-Americans, not black-Americans, not Asian-Americans, just Americans. For the most part we kept our political opinions and our voting to ourselves. That's why the voting booths had curtains; it was nobody's business who we voted for.

It used to be normal not to know what political party your friends and co-workers supported. I had friends for years and I never knew who they voted for, nor did I care. It just wasn't important. Life had too many other things to talk about, laugh over, and commiserate on. Politics was low on the list.

I remember when our city streets were safe to walk on and parks were safe places for children to play in. I remember when going to the library was a good experience, not creepy. The proliferation of drug addicts, alcoholics, and the insane who have taken over these public places have made our cities disease ridden filthy pigsties. This is not normal.

I remember when our roads and sidewalks were maintained and kept clean by the government. That was normal. I remember when people dressed nicely and had good manners. I remember when going out, whether to shop or eat or travel, meant being nicely groomed and getting dressed in clean clothes. That was normal. I remember when using profanity was considered low class and unacceptable. I remember when people had consideration for others. That was normal too.

It used to be normal to go shopping at department stores, five and dime stores, specialty stores, and other boutiques. Shoe stores, book stores, record stores, bakeries, ice cream stores, men's shops, ladies' shops were fun and exciting to explore. That was normal, and once again a shared experience for all, like going to the movies or attending a live performance on stage.

Now it's all on line. You never have to leave your house. You never have to interact with another person face to face. Considering the disgusting situations on our public streets it's actually preferable to do everything from the relative comfort and safety of our homes today. Let's face it, who wants to interact with the people that are out there today?

President Trump can't magically turn all of these things around. He can't give me back my beautiful department stores or make people dress nicer. But so far he's done quite a lot to return a semblance of common sense back into our society. I've never seen a president try harder to make things better and, well, more normal.

And for that, I'm grateful.

It's really just common sense, isn't it?


