Communism, authoritarianism, dictatorship, Big Brother, whatever you want to call it. It's here now. It's been seeping in for years, little by little, but it was taking too long. So someone figured out how to accelerate it. All they needed was a major catastrophic human disaster, you know, like a worldwide pandemic. Well, they got it. Was it devised on purpose? Was it a carefully orchestrated plot? Or was it simply serendipitous? It doesn't matter, it did the job.
Now the days of individualism and self-reliance are gone. Personal freedoms are dwindling. More and more aspects of our lives are being run by governmental dictates, mandates, and fiat. Tyrannical rulers at all levels; federal, state, and local are making life and death decisions for each and every person under the guise of "for the good of all." You individuals don't know what's good for you, but don't worry, we government bureaucrats will tell you what to do.
First it was "suggested" that not shaking hands, wearing a mask, social distancing, and getting vaccinated might be a good idea. It wasn't long before the suggestions became mandates. No, you may not visit a dying relative in the hospital. No, you may not attend a funeral for a loved one. No, you may not attend church or synagogue services. No, you may not celebrate holidays with your families. No, you may not leave your house except for dire emergency reasons. Stay shuttered. Stay off the streets. Keep your children out of school. Work at home. If you can't work at home, quit your job. Don't worry, the government will send you money.
Eventually the lockdowns proved to be useless, stupid, and counterproductive to say the least. What's more, people pushed back and the authoritarians quietly lifted the ban. But the mask thing and the vax thing is still very much with us. If anything, it is getting worse. Ask the Canadian truckers.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has imposed what amounts to martial law, and last week began rounding up truck drivers protesting his vax mandates. He has freezed the funds of their Freedom Convoy and threatened to confiscate their licenses and destroy their livelihoods. He has rounded up their pets, threatening to euthanize any that they can't place elsewhere.
Trudeau has called the truckers racists and Nazis. Police in Ottawa confirmed 191 arrests of Freedom Convoy protestors last Sunday after a weekend crackdown on the movement, issuing 391 charges for various offences including mischief and obstructing police. Police trampled an elderly woman riding a mobility scooter. They shoved veterans to the snow and kneed them in the head. These were not rioters, such as we saw in the summer of 2020 when BLM and others were burning buildings, torching cars, and looting stores. These were patriotic truckers who were protesting their government's overreach in a peaceful manner.
As I write this, American truckers plan to leave California and drive to Washington, D.C. at the beginning of the week, picking up more truckers along the route. They are asking for an end to the Emergency Powers Act concerning the pandemic. The big question for us is, will Biden treat our truckers the same way as Trudeau did? There's no reason to think that he won't, given what has gone on here over the past two years.
Remember how parents were called "terrorists" by the Biden Justice Dept. because they happened to disagree with local school boards over how and what to teach their children?
Think about Jan. 6, 2021 when the authoritarians implemented martial law. They illegally arrested hundreds of innocent Americans without charges. They have imprisoned them without due process, and even now they are holding them in solitary confinement in a secret DC-based jail facility. Some say those under arrest are being subjected to harassment, abuse, and being pressured to take "plea deals."
The wealthy establishment Leftists are in full power mode and will do anything it takes to retain their power and crush their opposition. Do not doubt this. Joe Biden is their dumb, senile patsy, their place marker who sits in the White House. He does what he's told.
Stay tuned for what happens to the American truckers over the next couple of weeks. Watch for Leftist trouble makers to infiltrate the caravan, pretending to be with the truckers. Watch for counter protesters who will attempt to start violence. Look for the Biden administration to blame truckers for supply chain problems. Anything is possible. To say we live in interesting times is an understatement. We do indeed, and our liberties have never been in greater peril as they are now.