First they celebrate Black History Month by telling us how racist America is and always will be. Not enough just to focus on the positive achievements of black Americans in the story of our country, they must show how the whites suppressed, enslaved, and mistreated blacks from the very start right up to the present day. So we build up one race while we tear down another. That has become the American way for the left.
Then they celebrate Valentine's Day by inventing Galentine's Day, which turns what was once a benign, sweet, lover's holiday between a male and female, into a lover's holiday between two women. That's right, one more Gay Day pushed in your face. Celebrating a day which honors the love between a man and a woman would be exclusionary and divisive. It might cause sad feelings for transgendered, bisexual, homosexual, lesbian, and non-binary people.
Oh, but we're not through yet. Then the left celebrates President's Day by, again, stressing the fundamental racism and hypocrisy of our founding fathers. Washington owned slaves; therefore he was a white supremist making him evil and unworthy of honor.
Of course, that goes for all white presidents whether they owned slaves or not. The mere fact that they were white is enough to prove their innate racism and white privilege. Systemic racism is handed down through the genes from generation to generation. And remember, only whites can be racist.
Since Barak Obama is the only president America has had who is at least half black, he is automatically absolved from any racism. So Presidents Day should really be changed to President Obama Day.
February also gives the left another opportunity to trash Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is on the 12th. As Tanya D. Marsh, professor of law at Wake Forest University, has written, Abraham Lincoln was a racist. "I hate to tell you this, I really do, but Abraham Lincoln was, like many white men of his day, a stone-cold racist." She says.
For years leftist writers and so-called scholars have pushed the idea that abolitionists forced Lincoln to develop a higher moral agenda in conducting the war, going against his personal racism. They have argued that Lincoln was a white supremacist dedicated to the elevation of white society at the expense of the rights and freedoms of black Americans.
Just about the only holiday that the left has not inserted their woke, progressive agenda into is Groundhog's Day. Or did they? Oh, excuse me, they have. Peta has called for Punxsutawney Phil to retire and be replaced with an AI robot. In a letter to the president of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Peta founder Ingrid Newkirk suggests an "animatronic groundhog withÊartificial intelligence" could replace him.
Newkirk says an "AI Phil" would renew interest in Punxsutawney and generate "a great deal of buzz" similar to Sony's aibo robot dog. "By creating an AI Phil, you could keep Punxsutawney at the center of 'Groundhog Day' but in a much more progressive way." There you go, just replace an animal with a robot.
But there again, if you do that, then you need to change the name of the day from Groundhog's Day to Artificial Intelligence Day. But then how do you explain that on the 2nd of every February, a robot pushes his way out of his burrows in the earth? We all know that robots don't live underground, they live in scientific laboratories. Well, maybe they emerge from the lab once a year, walk outside and if they see their shadow then — never mind.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the entire month of February has been purloined by the Marxist left. Every single holiday transformed to coincide with their ideology. And if you believe that the end of the month will be the end of it, just wait until we get to March. The Irish won't be the only ones marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade.