So, President Biden's Health and Human Services department (HHS) will be doling out taxpayer money to the tune of $30 million to supply crack pipes to drug addicts beginning this May. How's that? The Biden grant program intends to provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to make drug use safer and to advance "racial equity" they say.
This grant is money is to be used to purchase "safe smoking kits/supplies." Included in these kits could be pipes for users to smoke substances like crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine, or "any illicit substance." HHS said that the kits will serve to limit the risk of infection - typically users smoke out of glass pipes which can lead to cuts and sores that become infected with diseases like Hepatitis-C.
I assume the government pipes will be made of a higher quality material, making smoking meth and crack much safer for the doper. Yeah, that's what we need. A safer way to get addicted to drugs. Sound like a good plan to me. Maybe once smoking meth becomes safer more kids will want to do it. What's wrong with that? Don't we want our children safe?
The nonprofits and local agencies applying for the grant money will get priority if they serve "underserved communities," such as African Americans or Native Americans, or LGBTQ+ people. The prioritization was established under Biden's executive order on "advancing racial equity." Yep. Equity in addiction. You just can't make this stuff up.
Melissa Chen, a senior fellow with the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, said when she learned about the grant, "I thought one driver of systematic racism is the white supremacists in government who pushed crack cocaine on urban communities. Yet Biden's administration is spending public funds to increase 'racial equity' in drug use paraphernalia? We have come full circle."
Sen. Tom Cotton, one of the few people in government who truly gets it, said, "Is this a cruel joke? Drug overdose deaths are at their highest recorded levels. The Biden administration should focus on stopping traffickers instead of creating more demand for their product."
As far as substance addiction is concerned, Sgt. Clyde Boatwright, president of the Maryland Fraternal Order of Police, advises governments to engage in "a preventive campaign as opposed to an enabling campaign."
Seriously, can anyone name one thing Biden has done in more than a year in office to improve our country? Give me one success of his. Tell me how he has made life better for any American citizen. What policy of his has helped the average working family? How has Biden made America stronger, safer, and better?
Interesting isn't it, that Biden's son, Hunter, is a long-time user of crack cocaine. Coincidence? Or maybe Joe has decided for himself that we don't need to get people off drugs, we only need to make taking it easier and safer.
C'mon, man, they don't call Biden "The Dope President" for nothing.