Why do we need warning labels on just about all consumer products these days? Why has it become so difficult to open a bottle or jar or package of food, medicine, or any number of products you buy today? How come paper straws are preferable to plastic straws, but paper bags are not preferable to plastic bags? If plastic in general is such a bad thing, why did we replace glass bottles and jars with plastic? Why is so much of it used for high tech devices like I-phones and computers?
When did city authorities begin replacing playground swings, monkey bars, see-saws, and slides with "safer" alternatives? When did so many things that once were personal decisions become government mandated requirements? When did people get so scared of living? How much did the government have to do with that and why do they continue to frighten people?
If you are under the age of 40 you probably don't remember being able to walk through airports without security checks. Similarly, we were allowed to enter government buildings such as city halls, courthouses and police stations without any security at all. What happened to free parking on city streets? How come vagrancy isn't against the law anymore? Why is it acceptable to sleep, defecate, urinate and openly use drugs on public streets? How come society isn't allowed to put mentally disturbed people and drug addicts into facilities where they can be helped?
Who decided that wind mills, solar panels and electric vehicles are much better than natural gas? When did it become "normal" for homosexuals and lesbians to get married? When did it become "normal" for men to identify as being a woman and vice versa? Why is it fine for anyone to "identify" as being something that they are not and the rest of us have to accept that? Why do we allow this stuff to be taught in public schools?
Why has mailing a letter gotten so crazy expensive so fast? Almost a dollar to mail a letter? Why? Why did we get rid of inexpensive incandescent lightbulbs that gave us beautiful light to read by without getting a headache? Why did we get rid of high pressure shower heads that enabled us to take shorter, more efficient showers? Why did we get rid of toilets that worked perfectly with one flush?
Why is it considered cruel and wrong to cage chickens, but absolutely acceptable and right to cage your dog? And why is it that dogs are caged and not cats?
When did decent middle class professions like being a waiter in a restaurant or a sales clerk in a store become low paying crap jobs? These were once solid middle class occupations. What happened to good service, treating the customer with respect, and having a working knowledge of the products you are selling? Why did they stop teaching shop classes in school? Who made it a rule that everyone should attend college?
At what point did everyone stop using formal addresses like mister, misses, and miss and start calling everybody by their first names? Why is being casual and loose a good thing? When did we stop dressing for dinner? When did we stop dressing for anything? And tell me why wearing jeans, athletic shoes, flip-flops and T-shirts are more appropriate than wearing neat, tailored clothing.
If you believe that all these changes to what was once considered normalcy are accidental you would be naive to say the least. Perhaps you think these changes can be explained as a natural evolutionary progress. Wrong again. We didn't just stumble into where we are now, it was driven by the left. Tearing down tradition. Destroying Western culture. For what reason? Power and control over the masses.
It's been going on for well over a hundred years. It's only now that it has accelerated to the point where it has become obvious to many of us.