
March 28th, 2025


Told Ya So

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Jan. 27, 2023

Just as I predicted in my column last week, the discovery of additional Biden classified documents isn't over yet.

Right on cue, after my column appeared on Friday morning, more documents were discovered with classified information in his Wilmington, Del. Home late that evening. House Majority Whip Tom Emmer called Biden "a serial hoarder" on Fox News Monday morning.

"I go back to last Thursday when the president made the comment, 'There's no there there.' Well, since then, we've got a ratcheting up of this thing where theDepartment of Justice is actually scouring his housefor hours. They're trying to make this look like it's different from other people who have classified documents. This might be the worst case of, in the words of my colleague Mike Turner, the serial classified document hoarder. He's got documents now, we know, going back to his time in the Senate, going back to his time as the vice president. He's got them atPenn University. He's got them in his home in Wilmington. When is this going to end? The big question, why does he have them? Why was he holding on to them, and what were they being used for?"

Wall Street Journal political columnist Kimberly Strassel wrote, "Biden and Trump both have special councils. But the president's lawyers got to conduct his search, while his predecessor's weren't even allowed to be present." Finally this Friday the Justice Department took charge of the investigation, although they still allowed Biden's lawyers to be present for the search. Again, something that was denied President Trump.

And now even Biden's fellow Democrats are questioning his mishandling of classified documents. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said the following onCNN's "State of the Union"on Sunday, "When that information is found, it diminishes the stature of any person who is in possession of it, because it's not supposed to happen. Whether it was the fault of a staffer or an attorney, it makes no difference. The elected official bears ultimate responsibility."

Biden continues to maintain an arrogantly defensive attitude toward anyone who questions him about the matter, proudly proclaiming when asked about the documents found in his Penn Biden Center office and in his garage next to his Corvette, "I have no regrets." Interesting. Clearly, the guy has no conscience or sense of decency either. These things were never a part of his make-up. His entire career has been built on lies, deceit, and corruption.


Referring specifically about the documents found in his garage near his car Biden snapped, "By the way, my Corvette's in a locked garage, OK? So it's not like they're sitting out on the street." Sounds like something Tony Soprano might say. And let me get this straight, in Biden's mind, a locked garage at his house is just the same as having classified documents secured in the federal archive?

To date there has been at least five separate discoveries of classified documents found in Biden's personal possession. Just for the record, gross negligence in safeguardingclassified documents carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years for each offense. By my count, that makes 50 years in the slammer. So far.

Stay tuned my friends. Oh yes, oh yes. There will be more to come! Maybe by tomorrow. This thing is far from over.

And if you think I take any delight whatsoever in the disclosure of flagrant disregard of security papers, corruption and deceit by President Biden, you would be absolutely correct. It couldn't happen to a bigger fraud. I'm dancing in front of my computer screen as I write this.


