
March 28th, 2025


Fake news? Fake president!

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Jan. 17, 2025

Fake <i>news</i>? Fake president!


Back about ten years ago President Trump famously labeled the press "fake news."

Many scoffed at that term at the time but now, after all that has been revealed, the world realizes just how right Trump was. Another revelation just dawning on many people is that Joe Biden has been a "fake president." And not just in the last year or so, he's been a puppet from the start.

In his best days Biden never was anything but a liar, self-aggrandized braggart, plagiarist, and thief. He never accomplished anything during his time in the senate. He was a political hack in the true sense of the term and the only reason he was made vice president was to enhance Barak Obama's credibility with white working class voters based on the lie that "Scranton Joe" was a moderate blue collar guy who could be trusted. And that's the way he was sold to voters in 2020.

It was always obvious to me from the start that Biden absolutely was not in the driver's seat. He was controlled from the sidelines by political far left ideologs. This was in 2020, long before it became so clear that he had dementia. Joe Biden was nothing more than a part of the Democrat Washington, DC machine. He did what he was told. Yes, Joe Biden was a fake president. It only became more apparent as his dementia worsened.

Don't get me wrong. This doesn't absolve him of the policy failures and the domestic and foreign blunders of the past four years. He was a willing party to his fake presidency. I'm pretty sure he knew years ago that his role would be as the empty suit standing in front of the microphones and cameras mouthing the words written for him by the hidden people behind the scenes who were really in charge.

We probably may never know who exactly was calling the shots at the White House from 2021 through 2024. We can guess, but we'll never get all the names of the people involved. Oh, and by the way, these people are still at it. They are still doing damage in the name of our doddering simpleminded leader.

Those 37 death row commutations of murderers and the pardons (with the exception of Hunter Biden) were not chosen by Joe Biden. Neither were the 1,500 who were given clemency. And who do you think was behind the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros and Hilary Clinton and Pope Francis? Who was it that thought it would be perfect to award the Presidential Citizens Medal to Liz Cheney? Biden didn't make these choices, but he was fine with them. He approved them. He signed them.

And don't forget it was only a week or so ago that the Biden administration announced that it is banning future offshore oil and gas activity across 625 million acres of the outer continental shelf, an area larger than the amount of land included in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. This will shut down future drilling along the East Coast, the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 250 million acres along the West Coast and 44 million acres of the Bering Sea along the Alaskan Coast.

And the damage continues. The Biden administration announced this past Tuesday that it was lifting Cuba's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. Sen. Ted Cruz spoke out on it saying, "President Biden's decision to remove Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list is unacceptable on its merits."

"Obama-Biden officials are continuing their legacy of closing out administrations with rank appeasement of the Cuban regime. They push these policies both because they believe in them and to undermine the incoming Trump administration and Republican Congress," Cruz said. "These moves do incredible damage to American national security and send a message to our adversaries that they can rely on outgoing Democrat administrations – and wait out pressure from Republican administrations – to continue engaging in terrorism and other aggression against Americans."

Whether it's Joe Biden himself or the puppet masters behind the curtain, the corrupt "Biden Administration" keeps doing what it can to get its Leftist agenda in place in spite of what the voters want. With just a few days to go until they are out, I believe I speak for most of the country in saying that it can't come soon enough.


