
March 28th, 2025


Well, It's a Start . . .

Greg Crosby

By Greg Crosby

Published Jan. 13, 2023

Newly elected Speaker Kevin McCarthy has started to shake things up in the House. I know, I know. Because the Democrats hold the majority in the Senate and Biden is in the White House there is very little chance that Republicans can actually get anything meaningful legislated. That is true.

However, having a say as to who sits on important national committees is vital and sends a signal out to the country that all is not lost.

Towards that end, McCarthy has kicked out three nasty, lying, Democrats from their committee positions this week. Number one: Repulsive liar Adam Schiff has been removed from the House Intelligence Committee.

Schiff, who made it his business to stick his face into any camera he could, consistently lied about President Trump and what he claimed were "indisputable ties to the Russian government."

Schiff became a constant guest on far-left cable news networks during the Mueller probe of former President Trump, insisting he had personally seen classified evidence that linked Trump to the Kremlin. Schiff pushed the Trump-Russia collusion hoax for years (knowing full well that they were nothing but lies) and was at the forefront of the impeachment hearings against the president.


So this piece of human waste gets tossed out on his ear. Good riddance, but too bad he isn't prosecuted for the torture he put the Trump family and the country through for all that time. Not to mention the millions of dollars that were wasted on these false claims.

Also thrown the hell off of the House Intelligence Committee is Eric Swalwell, another lying twerp who had an ongoing affair with a Chinese spy for years. The communist spy, Fang Fang, posed as a political supporter (but you can bet Swalwell knew damn well who she was all the time). When her true identity eventually became public, he denied it of course. That's what liars do.

Last November McCarthy said, "Eric Swalwell cannot get a security clearance in the public sector. Why would we ever give him a security clearance in the secrets to America? So, I will not allow him to be on Intel." So now he's gone. Good.

The third Democrat to be ousted is anti-Semite and race baiter Ilhan Omar, the representative from Minnesota who also happens to embrace radical Islam. Up until now she had been sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Not anymore. Boot! Now she can sit on her thumbs.

Omar, a Somali refugee and member of the so-called "Squad," has repeatedly beenÊaccused of anti-Semitism, including for a 2019 tweet in which she suggested Jews buy political clout.

More recently she and "the Squad" have been accused of inciting anti-Semitic attacks comparing the US and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban.

It has been alleged that Omar married her own brother to get around US immigration laws. Secret DNA tests on her and her second husband have asserted that there is a 99.999998 chance that they are siblings. She is currently married to her third husband, who was her chief fundraiser. Shady, disgusting and dangerous.

Thankfully she is no longer on the Foreign Relations Committee.

Along with the ousters, a Republican steering committee has assigned chairmanships, with several of the House's more conservative members landing key roles. Missouri Rep. Jason Smith will chair the powerful House Ways and Means Committee; Tennessee Rep. Mark Green the Homeland Security Committee; and Texas Rep. Jodey Arrington the Budget Committee.

In addition, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan is widely expected to chair the Judiciary Committee.

Although I'm not completely happy with McCarthy for many reasons, so far he has lived up to his promises to rid the committees of these lying crooked Dems. It's a start.

I hate the war between the Republican factions and wish the Republicans could somehow come together as a body with one voice and a solid conservative agenda. The Democrats have certainly found the way to do it for their side, pushing the country ever leftward.

Republicans need to coalesce in the same way before it's too late.


