Almost every story in the news boils down to the same story: Man is on the endangered species list.
Say what you like about Germany but their crack police investigators are second to none:
Prosecutor Horst Walter Nopens said on Saturday that the investigation was ongoing but suggested one potential motive for the attack "could have been disgruntlement with the way Saudi Arabian refugees are treated in Germany".
Gotcha. So, two months before the federal election, the German state's message to voters is: It's all your fault and nothing's gonna change. Nothing against the nine-year-old boy who's dead or the four ladies - aged 75, 67, 52 and 45 - but that's just the way it is. There will be a few empty chairs at the Christmas table, but diversity is our strength and a well-integrated psychiatrist driving a BMW is just the kind of high-skilled newcomer Mutti Merkel promised us. He could have gone to Canada or Ireland. To modify George W Bush, we need immigrants to do the jobs that Germans won't do ...like, er, psychiatry.
Are they putting this kind of bollocks in the Covid boosters? Not so long ago the most famous terrorist killer on the planet was a high-value German immigrant. At least a few readers I've had occasional email exchanges with over the decades may recall him flying through the window of their office building on a Tuesday morning in September: Mohammed Atta, the man who pulled off what they used to call "the day the world changed" ...and a postgraduate student of the Hamburg Institute of Technology.
If you've been enjoying the expert class's bewilderment at the citizenship and professional status of the perp, well, way back when, the grandparents of the current crop of media experts were all over the airwaves explaining why the real threat came from well-travelled middle-class westernised Muslims and that Mr Atta had become "radicalised" when he moved to Hamburg.
It certainly was "the day the world changed" - if by "changed" you mean accelerated Islamic migration to the west: Twenty years ago there were half-a-million Muslims in Canada; now there are two million. As to the "disgruntlement" of Saudis at the way they're treated in the west, seventeen of Mohammed Atta's accomplices were Saudi nationals who'd been admitted to flight school in America, where they told their instructors that they didn't need to do the bit about learning how to land. Which raised not an eyebrow. To channel P G Wodehouse, few people have so much cause to be gruntled.
By the way, how did Mr Atta wind up at the Hamburg University of Technology? Because a nice tourist couple from Germany were visiting Cairo and, at a restaurant one night, struck up a conversation with Mohammed's dad and said they ran an exchange programme for foreign students back in der Vaterland and would Mo like to come and live with them. Aw, that's heart-warming. And, despite the three thousand deaths directly arising from that virtue-signalling, I'm sure they'd do it all over again.
In other words, this is where we came in: all the elements the cable experts profess to find "puzzling" we knew back on Day One of the soi-disant "War on Terror". Even the allegedly newest wrinkle is not new:
🚨BREAKING: Saudi-Arabian terrorist Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen appeared on the BBC in 2019. He's an activist who brings migrants into Germany.
The BBC are sickening. 🤮 pic.twitter.com/EByCNtFVny
— Inevitable West (@Inevitablewest) December 21, 2024
Oh, my. But, as a fellow Tweeter points out, the BBC airwaves are mostly given over either to paedophile "national treasures" such as Huw Edwards and Jimmy Savile or to jihadists who have yet to self-detonate:
As well as being a nonce factory, there seems to be a correlation between the BBC & hosting Islamic terrorists a few years before they carry out an attack. Axel was on Dr who & Taleb was interviewed by them in 2019.
We need to shut it down til we can figure out what's going on.
— Nadine Jasper 🇬🇧🚜🗽🚛 (@nadine_jasper) December 21, 2024
The Axel mentioned above is the famous rugby-loving Welsh boyo who stabbed the little girls in Southport. Ms Jasper might also have mentioned Khuram Butt from the 2017 London Bridge attack, who only the year before had appeared on a Channel Four documentary amusingly called The Jihadi Next Door.
There is nothing new to "investigate". I see that my own summer diversion from last year - Out of Time - featured a "rehabilitated" terrorist who, at his own awards ceremony, decides to de-rehabilitate. This actually happened: see Usman Khan, who aced the Cambridge University rehabilitation programme and promptly killed two of his instructors.
There is nothing to be gained from failing to see the forest because you are fascinated by the detail of the bark of an emaciated branch of a particular tree. Nadine Jasper, in wanting to close down the Beeb till "we can figure out what's going on", is channelling a famous Trump line from exactly nine years ago:
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration: https://t.co/HCWU16z6SR pic.twitter.com/d1dhaIs0S7
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2015
Mr Trump offers no pretence to the highly valued expertise of the Beeb yak-fests. A candidate still derided as a joke by US media had noted the core facts of the San Bernadino Christmas office-party slaughter and made a rational decision. A decade on, while Magdeburg's Christmas market is now cancelled, across the border in Poland Yuletide revellers promenade around their own unbollarded markets as they once did in Germany. Forty years ago, Poland and East Germany were both Soviet satellites. But, in the decades since, Poland has not imported millions of persons who, to put it at its mildest, despise its traditions. Hence no Christmas dinners at which the seat where the nine-year-old boy used to be is empty.
If "motive" remains mysterious to the media experts, that's because motive is for Agatha Christie and (less satisfactorily, according to many listeners) Jefferson Farjeon. When it comes to our new December tradition of Christmas atrocities, they do not arise from motive but from the logical consequence of public policy. Instead, the cable yakkers profess mystification that the Saudis are mixed up in this. Why? Twenty years ago (here it comes), I observed that few countries on earth were as hostile to Christmas, and channelled the opening lines of John Lennon's "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" - a song almost as bad as "Imagine", but with its uses:
Saudis diss Christmas
And what have you done?
Nothing. For two decades, nothing. Except import more and more and more people who want to rape you and run you over.
I'm getting the feeling the psychoses of post-Christendom are so far gone it's hardly worth getting up in the morning. Maybe I could use some analysis. Book me that guy in Magdeburg, will you?
No developed nation needs mass migration. That used to be a given: Sweden was the land of Swedes, Slovenia the land of Slovenes. Once upon a time, that was the abiding principle of even Woodrow Wilson. So end mass migration now, or prepare to end your days as a foreigner in your native land.
Bollard the border not the Christmas market - and we won't even need to "figure out what the hell is going on".
Mark's international bestseller America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. If you haven't read the book during its first seventeen years, well, you're missing a treat. It's still in print in hardback and paperback. (Buy it at a 77% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 47% discount by clicking here. Sales help fund JWR)
Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human rights activist. Among his books is "The Undocumented Mark Steyn: Don't Say You Weren't Warned". (Buy it at a 49% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 67% discount by clicking here. Sales help fund JWR)