
February 5th, 2025


A Modification in the Official Lie

Mark Steyn

By Mark Steyn

Published Nov. 4, 2024

A Modification in the Official Lie


The poster at left has appeared on the streets of Paris. Across the Channel, the New Londoners are tearing it down:

Diversity is where nations go to die - and their successors would rather you die unmourned, as the Christian community in Iraq did, on America's watch. The three girls slaughtered in Southport were Alice Aguiar, Elsie Stancombe and Bebe King, respectively, nine, seven and six. They are almost entirely forgotten, except by their loved ones.

It would have been different in the old days, a third-of-a-century back when I worked for Viscount Rothermere's Daily Mail group. Not because editors such as David English and Paul Dacre were particularly "empathetic", but because they recognised that such stories were what their readers were interested in: grieving parents, photogenic moppets...Alas, these days such primal Fleet Street instincts take a back seat to the maintenance of the Official Lies. So, once Two-Tier Keir and his minions decided the real problem was not the ritual sacrifice of dead little girls but the people who object to it, the story faded away. Laura Perrins, a favourite Steyn Show guest, is disinclined to forget:

On the Monday the 29th of July the girls attended a Taylor Swift themed holiday club at Hart Space Community Centre. When their parents dropped their girls off to the club that morning in fine weather they didn't know when they said goodbye that it would be the last time they would ever see them alive. They would never ever see their daughter smile again. The next time their parents saw their girls was in a hospital morgue, identifying their dead bodies...

Immediately British officialdom swung into gear to (as our headline put it) "manage" an act of mass murder. o ) Bebe King was six, Elsie Dot Stancombe was seven and Alice Dasilva Aguiar was ninewere slaughtered by a man "originally from Cardiff", as the duplicitous Merseyside Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy, described him.

This was an obvious bit of misdirection from the highest levels of the British state. It subsequently emerged that the perp was a chap called Axel Rudakubana, which is not a Muslim name, born to parents from Rwanda, which is an overwhelmingly Christian country. So Sir Keir dispatched his Starmtroopers to round-up Tweeters and Facebookers who'd speculated on Islamic terrorism and suchlike, and fast-tracked them before the courts where his pliant judges (including the blood-soaked Jeremy Richardson) threw the book at them.

We now learn from the same woeful Chief Constable Kennedy:

Today the Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Axel Rudakubana, aged 18, from Banks in Lancashire, to be charged with two further offences.

Axel Rudakubana already faces three charges of murder, 10 charges of attempted murder and one charge of possession of a knife – all relating to the incident at Hart Street, Southport on 29 July 2024.

The two further offences relate to evidence obtained by Merseyside Police during searches of Axel Rudakubana's home address, as part of the lengthy and complex investigation that followed the events of 29 July 2024.

The additional charges are:

1. Production of a biological toxin, namely ricin, contrary to Section 1 of the Biological Weapons Act 1974.

2. Possessing information, namely a pdf file entitled "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Training Manual" of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, contrary to Section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

So he's a typical Cardiff boyo: a Muslim "revert" with ties to al-Qaeda who was planning a bioterror attack.

When some chap goes all stabby-stabby on the most vulnerable in our societies, you can trust the state or you can trust your instincts. In this case, the Tweeters and Facebookers now languishing in prison were, broadly speaking, more accurate in their characterisation of the perp than British officialdom which, within an hour, went to extraordinary lengths to pass him off as a Welsh Christian with mental-health issues. And, just to underline the last point, made available only photographs of young Axel as a beatific schoolboy almost as young and innocent as the victims he stabbed, over and over.

Does anybody more sentient than an earthworm think the Crown Prosecution Service has only discovered these fascinating developments in recent days? Here are the coppers arriving at darling Axel's home. Notice, right at the beginning, the agent in an apparent green bio-hazard suit [SEE UPDATE BELOW TWEET]:

Do even the Brit Wanker Coppers play such sophisticated dress-up games that they dolly up in a hazmat suit and then fail to search for hazardous materials? UPDATE: There is some dispute about the man in green. A reader writes:

That person in a green hood of some sort has been presented before as the perp recorded by someone over the road's CCTV/doorbell pacing up and down in a hoodie before he set off to commit his atrocity.

Which raises even more questions: Is that what Axel Rudakubana wore to travel from his home to Southport? One consequence of "diversity" is that there are no social norms - because you're so vibrantly diverse nothing looks "unusual".

Nevertheless, it defies belief that the authorities did not know about the ricin and The al-Qaeda Handbook within hours of the carnage.

If so, why are the public only learning about these pertinent facts three months later?

Chief Constable Kennedy and the Crown Prosecution Service undoubtedly ran this by the Home Secretary, who likewise ran it by Two-Tier Keir himself. And Two-Tier figured he'd sit on it until anyone who could be gaoled had been gaoled. And maybe, just to be sure, he'd wait until at least one of his political prisoners had been driven to suicide...

Because the real threat isn't Muslim stabbers, it's members of the "far right" who persist in noticing Muslim stabbers. So Sir Keir figured, aw, let's find the real sweet spot, and announce it the day after Tommy Robinson's been banged up in solitary.

Incidentally, Messrs Robinson and Rudakubana are currently incarcerated in the same prison, HMP Belmarsh. The only difference is that the Muslim with ricin and an al-Qaeda manual who slaughtered three little schoolgirls and stabbed more is enjoying better prison conditions than a guy convicted of contempt in a civil case for showing a banned movie:

Toby Young's Free Speech Union now believes that the convictions of at least some of Starmer's political prisoners may be, as they say in English law, "unsafe":

We suspect some of the prosecutions of people for saying supposedly inflammatory things on social media may now be unsafe – for instance, the man in Cumbria sentenced to eight weeks in jail for reposting three allegedly 'Islamophobic' memes on Facebook. At the very least, it may be grounds for appealing their often draconian jail sentences.

And what about the many people arrested in August for social media posts about the Southport attack who came under enormous pressure from the police to plead guilty? Did the police know at that time that the news about the link to an Islamist training manual would eventually come out and that once it had it would be more difficult to persuade a jury to convict these people? If so, that may be a good basis for a law suit.

It certainly should be. The authorities knew about both the ricin and the al-Qaeda manual, but withheld that information from the guys they were strongarming into copping a plea.

Oh, what about all those political parties you get to vote for? Well, the two remaining candidates for leader of the "Conservative" Party are arguing about whether or not to withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights, which tells sovereign states you no longer have the authority to deport ...well, anyone. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice and the other leaders of Reform, are too busy distancing themselves from Tommy Robinson: "Oh, my dear, he's nothing to do with me. I thought he was with you." Any more distancing and they'll be campaigning from Rockall.

There are a few exceptions to the above faintheartedness. But if, as our friend Andrew Bridgen did, you try to bring up the contrast in the treatment of Robinson and BBC paedo Huw Edwards, at least one GB News presenter thinks downloading videos showing the penetration of a boy estimated to be between seven and nine is "not breaking the law".

One way or another, the establishment is cool with the sacrifice of its children - or, more to the point, your children. The state has concluded that it is too late to prevent an Islamised UK; all that can be done is to make common cause with it. If you think England, Scotland, Ireland and even Axel Rudakubana's Wales are worth fighting for, the operative word there is "fight".

"Southport est partout." Vraiement.

Mark's international bestseller America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It. If you haven't read the book during its first seventeen years, well, you're missing a treat. It's still in print in hardback and paperback. (Buy it at a 77% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 47% discount by clicking here. Sales help fund JWR)


Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human rights activist. Among his books is "The Undocumented Mark Steyn: Don't Say You Weren't Warned". (Buy it at a 49% discount by clicking here or order in KINDLE edition at a 67% discount by clicking here. Sales help fund JWR)

