
May 4th, 2024


Fed-up voters seek straight-talking pols, real or fake

Martin Schram

By Martin Schram

Published November 10, 2014

Fed-up voters seek straight-talking pols, real or fake

A fundamental phenomenon drove the Republican sweep of Tuesday's midterm elections, a hardcore political reality that, in the end, proved far more influential than a bandwagon-full of ideological imperatives and media spinner pontifications.

Yet it has mainly gone unbabbled-upon by the chattering heads who have been opining all over our screens ever since the ballots were tallied. It certainly isn't a newly discovered phenomenon; it predates most of our punditocracy. Indeed, it was discovered back in the political Pleistocene Age by a young reporter whose baptism in politics was covering the tumultuous 1968 presidential campaign.

Remember 1968: America had been shattered by the assassinations of Martin Luther King in April and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in June. The Democratic convention in Chicago was consumed by bloody street riots pitting police against anti-Vietnam War protesters.

While the Washington media's elites were covering either Republican Richard Nixon or Democrat Hubert Humphrey, that young reporter was assigned to cover a third party independent presidential run by Alabama's segregationist former Gov. George Wallace, who figured to be just a campaign sideshow.

Who was George Wallace? Just five years earlier, Wallace had declared, "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." In an infamous 1963 confrontation, Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door to block black students from entering the University of Alabama — until he was forced to back down by an edict from then-Attorney General Robert Kennedy and federalized national guard troops.

In the autumn of 1968, Wallace drew large crowds in his first campaign rallies in northern cities. He regaled the crowd with his down-home speeches, railing against federal bureaucrats whose briefcases contained "nothing but peanut butter sandwiches" and "pointy-headed intellectuals who can't even park a bicycle straight."

Weary of Wallace's standard stump speech, the young reporter began walking through the crowd, asking folks, many of whom carried "Wallace" signs, who they favored before Wallace entered the campaign. Time after time, these northerners gave the same answer: "Bobby Kennedy."

It didn't bother voters that they had supported a liberal, pro-integration, Vietnam War dove until he was assassinated, and then switched to a conservative, pro-segregation, Vietnam War hawk. These voters were more than unapologetic, and their explanations rang true to their feelings about politics and leaders.

"Sure, I voted for Bobby," said a 49-year-old Newark, New Jersey postman wearing a Wallace button on his white sport shirt, as he explained how he had voted in New Jersey's presidential primary before Kennedy was murdered. "He had the same thing Wallace has got that none of the other politicians have: guts. Bobby was a good man because he was not afraid. Now Wallace is the only guy who isn't talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time trying to please everyone at once."

The postman paused, then added proudly: "I have Bobby's personal autograph at home, you know."

And Mrs. Clifford Dupree, a housewife from Edison, New Jersey, asked about the apparent contradictions between the two candidates, said: "They say what they mean and they don't beat around the bush."

Fast-forward almost a half-century and there is a significant sameness to the core concerns of voters. Many feel fed up and want leaders who will make the answers seem clear or at least clearly simple. That's how it was back in what may have been the modern era's most emotionally draining presidential campaign year, 1968. And that's how it is today, in a time when our problems seem complex to the point of being unmanageable — and potential solutions that candidates dredge up from their think tanks all seem more complex than voters' gray cells can process.

What gets lost in all of this is what pundits and professors tend to be obsessed with: whether the candidate or idea is a creature or a creation of the left, center or right. And within today's Grand Old Party, many feel no angst as they bounce between the war-hawkish John McCain, tea party panderish Ted Cruz and isolation-dovish Rand Paul. It's the professional thinkers who get all caught up in ideological imperatives and assume voters feel the same compulsion.

Not so. What voters really care about is whether a candidate seems to be authentic, the real deal.

Candidates who can be that — or fake it best — will rise to the top.

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Martin Schram, an op-ed columnist for McClatchy-Tribune, is a veteran Washington journalist, author and TV documentary executive.

