
April 20th, 2024


Crime Report | Snowflakes Falling Everywhere

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Sept. 20, 2019

Crime Report <B>|</B> Snowflakes Falling Everywhere

An attempted burglary last month in Oronoco Township, Minnesota, unfolded in an unusual manner.

Police responded to a burglary in progress call to find that alledged thief Kirsten Hart, 29, had scuffled with a 64-year-old woman before making off with pill bottles, debit and credit cards, $150 cash and a fake $1 million bill.

Hart had run out of the house with part of her shirt ripped off, which led a passing motorist to ask if she was hurt and needed a ride.

Hart accepted, climbing into the trunk of the car, according to KIMT.

The driver later told police he realized something wasn't right but panicked and drove off.

Police also said they found iPads stolen from a local STEM school in Hart's car. She and an accomplice face multiple charges. [KIMT, 8/16/2019]

Ex-cons, juvenile delinquents and drug addicts are getting new monikers in San Francisco, thanks to the Board of Supervisors' new "person-first" language guidelines.

For example, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, someone just released from prison will be a "justice-involved person"; a repeat offender will be a "returning resident." People on probation will be "persons under supervision."

The under-18 criminal crowd will be known as "young people impacted by the juvenile justice system."

Those suffering from addiction will be "people with a history of substance use."

Words such as "convict" and "inmate" "only serve to obstruct and separate people from society and make the institutionalization of racism and supremacy appear normal," the board's resolution reads.

"Referring to them as felons is like a scarlet letter," Matt Haney, board supervisor, said. [San Francisco Chronicle, 8/11/2019]