
April 16th, 2024


WHAT were they thinking!?

News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

By News of the Weird by Chuck Shepherd

Published June 3, 2015

WHAT were they thinking!?

Pioneering British facial surgeon Ninian Peckitt, 63, facing a Medical Practitioners Tribunal in Manchester in April, was accused by a witness of "repeatedly" having punched one patient in the face during a procedure in order to straighten a fracture. Dr. Peckitt acknowledged having used his hands to "manipulate" bones in the patient's face, calling it a routine surgery-avoiding procedure sometimes required for extensive injuries. [Daily Mail (London), 4-8-2015]

Suspicions Confirmed: Two airport screeners at Denver International collaborated in an ongoing ploy in which one, a male, signaled to a female colleague that he had spotted an attractive male passenger in line that he might like to grope. The female would then suddenly notice an "anomaly" in the screening and ask that passenger to stand aside so the male agent could "inspect" him further -- by genital and posterior fondling (over his clothing). The two agents were fired in February after a Transportation Security Administration investigator, having been alerted to the scheme, observed it in action. [KCNC-TV (Denver), 4-13-2015]

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