
April 25th, 2024


When Lawyers Become Designers Penny Wise?

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published April 23, 2021

  When Lawyers Become Designers
	Penny Wise?

Lawyers filing briefs for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit were advised on March 16 the court would be officially discouraging the use of the Garamond typeface, a centuries-old font widely used in printed books, because it "can be more difficult to read," wrote court clerk Mark J. Langer.

Fox News reported the font is popular among attorneys, but author and web designer David Kadavy, gets it: "Garamond is considered one of the best fonts in existence, (but it) "can be a disaster on the web. ... It's better to use a modern font that has been drawn with the screen in mind." [Fox News, 3/17/2021