
April 20th, 2024



News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published March 23, 2020


A mother in Saint-Malo, France, filed a complaint with police on Feb. 25 against Danone, the manufacturer of powdered baby formula. Police told AFP the woman's 3-month-old daughter became ill in November with a high temperature, and the mother took her to the emergency room. "Several days later," authorities said, "[the baby] vomited a worm about 6 to 7 centimeters long" -- about the length of an adult index finger.

In the report, the mother said the worm had been examined at a hospital and was determined to be of a parasitic type. She decided to take action after learning of two other cases, one in central France where living larvae were found in a container of the same brand of formula.

A spokesperson from Danone told a news conference that without the containers, "several hypotheses could explain the presence of an insect," but the formula is never exposed to air in its production chain. [AFP, 2/26/2020]