
April 24th, 2024


Bright Idea | Chutzpah!

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published March 4, 2020

Bright Idea  |  Chutzpah!

Ryan Sentelle State, 37, has been arrested in Salt Lake City after police said he admitted using mice and hamsters to get free hotel rooms.

KUTV reported on Jan. 30 that authorities allege State would release the rodents in a hotel room, then complain about them, prompting hotel workers to offer the room for free.

State faces charges of theft by deception and criminal mischief. [KUTV, 1/30/2020]

On Dec. 19, five prisoners in Belgium's Turnhout Prison escaped by climbing over a wall and jumping into a getaway car waiting nearby, Newsweek reported.

Four of the men were captured within a few weeks, but officials failed to track down Oualid Sekkaki, 26, who was serving time for drug possession.

Sekkaki added insult to injury when a letter arrived at the prison on Jan. 20.

Inside was Sekkaki's prison badge and a card saying "Greetings from Thailand." Sekkaki, who hails from an infamous Moroccan prison-escaping family, is still at large. [Newsweek, 1/22/2020]