
April 24th, 2024


Police Report | It's Good to Have Goals

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published March 8, 2019

Police Report | It's Good to Have Goals
A motorist in New Canaan, Connecticut, called police after spotting a woman stopped at an intersection in the driver's seat of her car with her eyes closed.

When officers arrived, they found Stefanie Warner-Grise, 50, "unable to answer basic questions," according to the arrest report. They "detected an odor of vanilla coming from her breath (and) her speech was slurred. ... In addition, several bottles of pure vanilla extract were located inside the vehicle."

The Hour reported Warner-Grise failed field sobriety tests and she was charged with driving under the influence of vanilla extract.

The Food and Drug Administration requires that pure vanilla extract must be at least 35 percent alcohol, which makes it 70 proof. [The Hour, 1/24/2019]

Pavol Durdik added another Guinness world record to his collection Aug. 3 in Puchov, Slovakia by extinguishing 62 lighted matches with his tongue within one minute, according to United Press International

. In a video posted by Guinness World Records on Jan. 25, Durdik had the matches laid out in front of him and lighted each one before putting it out on his tongue. He also holds the record for most socks put on one foot within 30 seconds. [UPI, 1/28/2019]

