
April 27th, 2024


But He Started It! | Family Values

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published March 20, 2018

But He Started It! | Family Values

Tennis instructor Osmailer Torres, 30, of Miami, was arrested in July 2016 after hitting a 5-year-old with the child's pint-sized tennis racket and causing a bruise on the boy's arm and a lump on his eyebrow, reports the Miami Herald. But now Torres believes he has a grand-slam defense: Florida's Stand Your Ground self-defense law. Defense lawyer Eduardo Pereira told the Herald the child was the "initial aggressor" who had participated in "various violent altercations" against other children, and Torres had acted "reasonably in trying to prevent harm" to others. Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Oscar Rodriguez-Fonts will consider the claim in an upcoming hearing. [Miami Herald, 12/6/2017]

Mazen Dayem, 36, of Staten Island, New York, obtained a restraining order against his father-in-law, Yunes Doleh, 62, in September after Doleh repeatedly tormented him by waving his hairpiece at Dayem, provoking Dayem's greatest phobia -- the Tasmanian Devil of Looney Tunes fame.

Not easily deterred, Doleh was arrested on Nov. 5 for violating the order after he "removed his wig (and) made hand gestures" at a funeral the two attended, Dayem explained to the New York Post. "It's just a very large fear of mine, his damn wig. ... I have nightmares."

Court papers say Doleh "proceeded to grimace, snarl, gurn and gesticulate." He was charged with criminal mischief in Staten Island County court, and then sued his son-in-law for defamation after photos from the arrest appeared on social media. [New York Post, 12/20/2017]