
May 8th, 2024


AWESOME! | Compelling Explanations

News of the Weird

By News of the Weird

Published Jan. 12, 2021

AWESOME!  | Compelling Explanations

Josua Hutagalung, 33, was working outside his home in Sumatra in August when he got a surprise delivery: A meteorite crashed through his roof and landed outside.

"When I lifted it, the stone was still warm, and I brought it into the house," the coffin-maker told local media.

United Press International reported the 4.5-pound meteorite was a rare variety, valued by experts at almost $1.9 million, which attracted American expert Jared Collins, who paid more than $1 million for the rock.

"I have also always wanted a daughter," Hutagalung said, "and I hope this is a sign that I will be lucky enough now to have one."

He also plans to donate some of the funds to his local church's new building project. [United Press International, 11/18/2020]

French police in Lannion, Brittany, became suspicious when they spotted a man lurking near a parked car at a time when France's COVID-19 lockdown rules required him to be at home on Nov. 20.

Upon questioning, the 39-year-old unnamed man produced the legally required "attestation," including his full name, the time he left home and his written-in reason for being out: to "smash a guy's face in."

Local police chief Daniel Kerdraon said, "He was trying to fulfill the letter of the law, in his own way," The Guardian reported, "but we told him his reason for going out was not valid."

He was fined not only for violating the curfew but also for being drunk in public. [The Guardian, 11/23/2020]