
May 4th, 2024


Sessions Should Order Study on Voter Fraud

Dick Morris

By Dick Morris

Published Jan. 27, 2016

Sessions Should Order Study on Voter Fraud

There are some questions in our politics that will be perpetually debated with no clear conclusion in sight. But a few can be resolved factually and beyond dispute.

Is there widespread voter fraud? This question does not need to be the subject of debate. It can be proven one way or the other. A definitive finding would take this partisan football out of our political arena and make it obvious whether measures such as requiring photo IDs to vote are necessary or superfluous.

Now that good guys are in charge, Attorney General-designate Jeff Sessions, upon his confirmation, should commission a study on the extent of voter fraud in the 2016 election.

The study would build on the work done by the North Carolina election officials in comparing the voting records of the 26 participating states to determine how many people with the same names and birthdates voted in multiple states.

But with federal power, it must go further and compare Social Security records and other indications of citizenship with voter files. Rick Manning, of Americans for Limited Government, made just such a suggestion this week and Sessions should take him up on it.

Let's resolve this issue.

Too often Democrats think Republicans are only pretending to be worried about fraud but really only want to depress minority turnout. On the flip side, Republicans think that Democrats claim their goal is to protect voter rights but really only want to commit fraud.

So let's find out the facts.

Dick Morris, who served as adviser to former Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and former President Clinton, is the author of 16 books, including his latest, Screwed and Here Come the Black Helicopters.

