Jr. Jewish World

Zeidy Zalman tells the terrible tale of "The Snitch"

Children's Chanukah coloring page by Naftali Cisner

Children's Chanukah puzzle by Naftali Cisner

Law and Order's Steven Hill reads the Best of Olomeinu (RealAudio)

Reader Response

Jr. Jewish World
December 10, 1997 / 11 Kislev, 5758

Chanukah Puzzle!

Just for kids! Chanukah coloring puzzle!

What played hide-and-seek in the Chanukah story?

Hint: the Maccabees found it, and so can you! Color in the shapes with one dot in yellow, and color in the shapes with two dots in blue, like this:

colored samples

Just for kids! Print out this Chanukah puzzle by New York artist Naftali Cisner! Follow the directions to solve the puzzle!


Naftali Cisner / 718 854 5527

©1997, Jewish World Review