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In this issue

Nov. 27, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Does order in the Torah make a difference?

Charles Krauthammer: Geneva sellout

Nov. 26, 2003

Chris Leppek: Synagogue takes a holy hike — literally

Michael Freund: Sharon's Premature Evacuation

Nov. 25, 2003

Barbara Amiel: Muslims have just as much to fear from militant Islam

Daniel Pipes: Identifying Muslim Moderates

Nov. 24, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: t's not 1938, but anti-Semitic violence should cause us to focus on the war against terror

Diana West: Islam's consistency with democracy

Nov. 21, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Can a person converse with the Divine?

Rabbi Dov Fischer: Michael Jackson and us

Nov. 20, 2003

Barbara Amiel: The ultimate revenge over Israel

Larry Elder: What you need to know about the 'religion of peace'

Nov. 19, 2003

Shannon McMahon: Holocaust survivors find answers to lifelong questions at reunion

Paul Wieder: An ambitious new project surveys the American Jewish musical experience

Nov. 18, 2003

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: Culture of death? Palestinian girl's murder highlights growing number of 'honor killings'

Art Chapman: The next celeb governor? Author-humorist Kinky Friedman ponders politics

Nov. 17, 2003

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: Battle of the Liebermans

Jeff Dunetz: What type of world will my children live in?

Nov. 14, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Making sense of a father's ultimate test

Victor J. Wishna: Exhibiting courage

Nov. 13, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: When Some Money Talks, Don't Listen

Ask Wendy: Invite obnoxious commie grandparents to bar mitzvah?; struggling student who is musician or the opposite?

Nov. 12, 2003

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: What's a nice Jewish boy doing in a place like this?

Libby Lazewnik: Covering for his twin

Nov. 11, 2003

Cal Thomas: The ‘Arab Street's’ concept of freedom

Wesley Pruden: Our Saudi friends get a lesson

Nov. 10, 2003 Jonathan Tobin: No Tribal Solidarity

Melanie Phillips: The chosen person

Nov. 7, 2003 Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Was Abraham a generalist or a specialist?

Judy Lash Balint: Remembering Rachel

Nov. 6, 2003 Edward I. Koch: Putin's prosecution of the oligarchs can teach a powerful lesson about anti-Semitism Andrew Silow-Carroll: Lies (and the lazy dunces who put them on Page One)

Nov. 5, 2003 Rabbi Avi Shafran: Pro-choice Judaism

Jonah Goldberg: Israel isn't peaceful

Nov. 4, 2003 Afshin Molavi & Karim Sadjadpour: Is Iran rethinking its position on Israel?

Susan Lerner: Kosher foods gaining weight

Nov. 3, 2003 Diana West: Stop insulting Judaism and Christianity, Mr. President

Joel Mowbray: Paying our enemies to kill us

Oct. 31, 2003 Rabbi Berel Wein: There is no greater waste than a wasted tragedy

Jonathan S. Tobin: Who Lost the Campus?

Oct. 30, 2003

Zev Chafets: Why won't the Prez stop using ‘fuzzy terrorism’ language?

Fred Tasker: U.S. film producers rewrite the script for Israeli wines

Oct. 29, 2003 Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Graffiti On History's Walls (MUST-READ!)

Bill Tammeus: We can't live fully without books

Oct. 28, 2003 Mark Steyn: Muslim paranoia: Enemies made us impotent!

Jordan Max: The Prime Minister of Malaysia was right!

Oct. 27, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Should America blame itself for the Muslim world's hatred?

Daniel Pipes: Deadly denial

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: The Mideast crisis can be solved by — Hollyweird?

Oct. 24, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: The Book of Genesis: The book of — and for — mankind

Jeff Jacoby: Bigotry and the Muslim world

Charles Krauthammer: Lay off Easterbrook

Oct. 23, 2003

Yossi Klein Halevi: Only the Naive or the Malicious Would Urge a Binational Israel

Andrew Silow-Carroll: When bad ideas happen to good writers

Oct. 22, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Privacy vs. modesty

Mark Steyn: Linkage logarithms

Oct. 21, 2003

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Know thy enemy

Wesley Pruden: A harsh new reality for the Middle East

Zev Chafets: How to be a Muslim moderate

Cal Thomas: Muzzling the wrong dog

Oct. 20, 2003

Daniel Pipes and Asaf Romirowsky: Fulbright's Terrorist Tie

Jeff Jacoby: Palestinian terror, American blood

Oct. 17, 2003

Gary Rosenblatt: Still One Torah

Jonathan Tobin: So much for democracy

Oct. 16, 2003

Steve Goldstein: Will the Gaza roadside bombing be the last straw?

Anne Applebaum: Germans as Victims

Oct. 15, 2003

Jane Eisner: Passing on fasting

Alan M. Dershowitz: The Case Against Jordan

Oct. 14, 2003

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Preaching terror

Cal Thomas: Up close and personal with Ariel Sharon

Oct. 13, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: When is "consent" truly informed?

Jonathan Tobin: The Cult of Objectivity

Oct. 10, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: The Sukkah still stands

The latest installment of Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, online exclusively at JWR --- Your Official Guide to Alternate Names for Jewish Holidays

Oct. 9, 2003

David Warren: Cowardice costs

Ask Wendy: Video greetings at gravesite?; end relationship with ‘special friend’?

Oct. 8, 2003

Mark Steyn: Palestinian death cult

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: The real duel over fencing

Oct. 7, 2003

Zev Chafets: The death of a New York jihad hero

Jonathan Tobin: Will support for the Jewish state be an issue in the presidential race?

Oct. 3, 2003

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Yom Kippur and Arthur Schopenhauer

Toby Klein Greenwald: On visualization and vision during the Days of Awe

Oct. 2, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Seize the days

Joshua Silver: Consumer Tips from an Esrog Maven

Oct. 1, 2003

Ask Wendy: She refuses to forgive; close friend wants to bring home-wrecker as guest to wedding; tradition condition?

Ethel G. Hofman: Break the Fast — sweet and savory, ready to serve

Sept. 30, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Counterintuitive repentance

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: After 3 years, Arabs becoming disillusioned with intifada, Arafat

Sept. 29, 2003

Dafna Breines: What I learned from my two-and-a-half year about beseeching the Creator

Daniel Pipes: Pentagon Jihadis

Jonathan Tobin: Get Out Your Crystal Ball! Time to take the 5764 Jewish pundit quiz on next year's news

Sept. 26, 2003

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Rosh HaShonnah and the Mysteries of the Universe

Jonathan Rosenblum: Reason to hope

Sept. 25, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Apples as a symbol of good?

Nora Koch: Keep the stress levels low for High Holy Days

The latest installment of Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, online exclusively at JWR --- Your Official New Years Holiday Comparison Chart

Sept. 24, 2003

Sarah Carr and Scott Williams: Privacy law hinders clergy's access to parishioners who are hospitalized

M. Gardner: Meet the Ukrainian Chassidic Jew who is a world-class chess player

Sept. 23, 2003

Daniel Pipes: Rise of the anti-Islamist Muslims

Martin Peretz: Impossible Routine

Sept. 22, 2003

Jonathan Gurwitz: What the ‘peaceniks’ have yet to learn

Zev Chafets: The first job for Boudin

Sept. 19, 2003

Abraham J. Twerski, M.D.: Belief in the Divine when being surrounded by evil

Jonathan Tobin: An Uncomfortable Feeling

Sept. 18, 2003

Aryeh Spero: When terror hits home: My wake-up call

Alan Dershowitz: Should Arafat finally be assassinated?

Sept. 17, 2003

Linda Chavez: Israel being blackmailed by her ally?

Yehuda Avner: How to negotiate for ‘peace’

David Warren: ‘Removing’ Arafat

Sept. 16, 2003

Zev Chafets: Having a Jewish wife won't save Dean


Sept. 15, 2003

Joshua Silver: Finally, a Rosh Hashanah prayer book for today's Jew

Jeff Jacoby: Ten years too late, the delusion that was ‘Oslo’ is finally ending

Paul Greenberg: End of the road(map)

Sept. 12, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: On harvesting success

Charles Krauthammer: Yet another missed opportunity

Jonathan Tobin: An end to the delusions

Sept. 11, 2003

Jeff Dunetz : High Holiday Prayers — for my enemies

Victor J. Wishna: Second thoughts at September 11th

Sept. 10, 2003

Alan Dershowitz: Why terrorism works

Andrea Levin: No moral daylight on 'Nightline'

Sept. 9, 2003

Nathan J. Diament: Will American Jewry be silent about religious discrimination?

Daniel Pipes: Why Oslo's hopes turned to dust

Sept. 8, 2003

Martin Peretz: Time to show that Jewish blood is not cheap and those who shed it will pay a tremendous price

Jonah Goldberg: ‘BUSH = HITLER’ adds up to Holocaust denial

Sept. 5, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: In denial about the enemy

Ask Wendy: The gift(s) that never stop?; bar mitzvahs only for Members of the Tribe?; dating widows

Sept. 4, 2003

Anonymous, as told to Chaim Walder: Ringed-in by a mistake (We've received HUNDREDS of letters about this piece — Editor)

Jonathan Gurwitz: Militant Muslims' moral disease spreads to envoy, troops because world did little when they were only targeting Jews

Sept. 3, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: A truly historic lawsuit

Jeff Jacoby: Harvard's tainted money

Sept. 2, 2003

Joel Mowbray: In search of the revengers

Jonathan Tobin: Unnecessary Quagmire

August 29, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Luminescence

Rabbi Berel Wein: How you play the game (of life)

August 28, 2003

Alan Dershowitz: The UN has fed a monster that now threatens it and everyone else

Joel Mowbray: The mainstreaming of terrorists: How ‘enlightened’ media whitewash horror perps

August 27, 2003

Michael Matza: Opening the Temple Mount: Making of a tinderbox or preventing historical destruction?

Edward I. Koch: Jews must reward Bush for stance on Israel

August 26, 2003

Rabbi Shimon Finkelman: The sage and his ‘special’ friend (INSPIRING!)

Daniel Pipes: On being borked

August 25, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Speaking Truth to Jewish Power

Cal Thomas: When terror drives policy

August 14, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Should I tell an applicant why he was refused a job?

Cal Thomas: The war that never ends

August 13, 2003

Zev Chafets: The cynical manipulation of Hitler's legacy for political purposes

Jim Hoagland: Israel's Red Flag on Iran

August 12, 2003

Daniel Pipes: Terror symps exposed

Ask Wendy: Forcing child to be charitable; misplaced compassion?

August 11, 2003

Gary Rosenblatt: The day after the hudna

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: The lie that was a blessing

August 8, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Mission men

Jonathan Tobin: Second-guessing Tom DeLay

Charles Krauthammer: State Department is joining the latest Palestinian propaganda ploy

August 7, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Mourning and morning

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Tisha B'Av and the price of freedom

Bobover Rebbe, Rabbi Shimon Schwab, ZT"L: Kinnos For Our Time (PDF file)

August 6, 2003

Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Bush should learn from Clinton's errors

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR

August 5, 2003

Zev Chafets: Sharon is ready to pound Palestinians the way Bush whipped Saddam

Richard Z. Chesnoff: A refugee has lessons for Arabs

August 4, 2003

Jeff Jacoby: 'Roadmap'? What 'Roadmap'?

Diana West: Saving Islam from itself

August 1, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Elijah the Prophet also had an amputated limb

Jonathan Tobin: Tabling the Truth

July 31, 2003

The Hon. Tom DeLay: BE NOT AFRAID!


July 30, 2003

Zev Chafets: Bush dreams of democracy and Muslims dream of ‘maidens’ — both face disappointment

Bob Kemper: Sharon refuses to suspend building West Bank protective fence

July 29, 2003

Rafael Medoff: No Laughing Matter: Why World Jewry should be saluting Bob Hope

Daniel Pipes: Improving Islam's Reputation

July 28, 2003

Hillel Halkin: An ugly idea whose time has come


July 25, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Lessons from the road and by the way

Jonathan Tobin: ‘The Obstacle is Terrorism’

July 24, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Is it ethical to sell or buy knock-offs?

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: Pity Kobe Bryant? I don't think so

July 23, 2003

Dayle A. Shockley: Sometimes we need to see world through other eyes

Joel Mowbray: Palestinian, U.N. demonization of Israel continues

July 22, 2003

William J. Bennett: Moral Clarity and the Middle East

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Horatius Pipes

July 21, 2003

Sidney Zion: Truman was saving his own skin

Zev Chafets: Can't count on Arab polls for the truth

July 18, 2003

Phil Jacobs: Sermon On The Light Rail

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

July 17, 2003

Martin Peretz: Pre-Occupation

Jonthan Tobin: A Pointless Sacrifice

July 16, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: As customers, do widows deserve special treatment?

Ask Wendy: Secret's out and now I'll suffer; focusing more on the ‘bar’ than the 'mitzvah'; give up control of my wedding?

July 15, 2003

Fiamma Nirenstein: How I became an
‘unconscious fascist’

Rabbi Avi Shafran: On location

July 14, 2003

Jonathan Gurwitz: What Einstein taught Bush

Jim Hoagland: Why do they hate them?

July 11, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: An ugly reality only the most enlightened refuse to concede

Jonathan Tobin: Deja Vu All Over Again: Will U.S. and Jewish support for the Palestinian Authority aid peace?

July 10, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist : Adversity in Possession


July 9, 2003

Yossi Klein Halevi: About those 'settlements'

Ask Wendy: Family or irrelevant charity?; don't they make grateful kids, anymore?

July 8, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: DEMORALIZED?

Daniel Pipes: A ‘shot’ at peace

July 7, 2003


Deena Yellin: A revenge that's not only
‘sweet’ — but kind

July 3, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Time to make what ‘should be’ into what ‘must be’

Cal Thomas: Useful idiots in the Middle East

John Monaghan: Parents confront a summer full of violent movies pitched to children

July 2, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: The risks and benefits of a worldwide marketplace

Ask Wendy: Should child with no business acumen inherit one?; baby shower after birth

July 1, 2003

Daniel Pipes: Washington: Do As I Say . . .

Victor J. Wishna: Staging a Comeback

June 30, 2003

Sidney Zion: Arabs' choice: The ‘road map’ or Israeli fury

Paul Greenberg: What the Supreme Court doesn't know about race

June 27, 2003

Ira Rifkin: A lesson about the Tribe

Jonathan Tobin: ‘We Must Teach Our Children’

June 26, 2003

Martin Peretz: Traveling With Bad Companions: Western supporters of the Palestinian cause are morally blind (MUST READ!)

America has gone kosher — and shrewd manufactures are reaping the profit$

June 25, 2003

Mark Steyn: It's Mullah time!

Steven Zak: '24' masks insult as entertainment

June 24, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Should we tell an incompetent merchant why customers are staying away?


June 23, 2003

Binyamin Netanyahu: America does not want a new terrorist state to emerge. How to prevent it

Jeff Jacoby: Pipes's effective path to peace

June 20, 2003

Jonathan Mark: Honor or Glory? Turning Opening Night into Sabbath

Jonathan Tobin: Prey to the same trap

June 19, 2003


Yaffa Ganz: A nation of schizophrenics?

June 18, 2003

Edward I. Koch: Keep American troops out of Israel

Michael Freund: Scanning the road map scorecard

Ask Wendy: Sensitivity for non-mourners?; criticism sounds sour note; clichéd situation with very real problem

June 17, 2003

Ruth Wisse: Jews and Anti-Jews


June 16, 2003

David Warren: Hunting season

Judy Lash Balint: The Sabbath after

June 13, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Q. Is it permissible for providers of vital services to go on strike?

Jonathan Tobin: Trading Places

Burt Prelutsky : The flag and I

June 12, 2003

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: WAKE UP CALL! (WARNING: Not for the faint of heart!)

June 11, 2003

David Warren: Double suicide

Eve Tushnet School Vouchers and the Myth of Neutrality

June 10, 2003

Dennis Prager: Only a Palestinian civil war will bring peace

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

June 9, 2003

Charles Krauthammer: Shades of Oslo

Jonathan Tobin: Lessons From History

Joel Mowbray:: The will to go on

June 5, 2003

Rabbi Pinchas Stolper: Revelation: The basis of faith

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Shavuos: A wedding for the ages

Harvey Tannenbaum: A bad movie that seems will never end

June 4, 2003


Joel Mowbray: 'What most Jews don't want to verbalize is that they know, deep down, this is never going to stop'

Michael Currie Schaffer: When Monica takes to the streets, Iraqis notice

June 3, 2003


Martin Peretz: Honors

June 2, 2003

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: Confessions of a religious feminist, Part II


May 30, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: The Incredible Shrinking People

Jonathan Tobin: Bush's flight plan to nowhere

Charles Krauthammer: No Phony 'Cease-Fires' With Terrorism

May 29, 2003

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr: 'Road trap' for America, too

Joel Mowbray: 'Neocon': Slang for 'Jew'?

May 28, 2003


Dennis Prager: Monkeys and atheists

May 27, 2003

David Zwiebel: Of fat cats and fat mouths — and silence

Zev Chafets: Political — and literal — suicide

May 23, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: To be a Jew

Jonathan Tobin: The 13th Tribe Speaks

May 22, 2003

David Warren: Carrot poisoning

Ask Wendy : Destructive do-gooders?; party politicking

May 21, 2003

Ira Rifkin: Terror at a crossroads: Will Muslim moderates finally speak out against extremists?

Michael Graham: Springtime for Hitler?

May 20, 2003

Rabbi Pinchas Stolper: The Mystery of Lag B'Omer

Cal Thomas: The Threat Among Us

Mona Charen: The suffering Palestinians

May 19, 2003

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: What part of homicide bombing doesn't the world understand!?

Michael Freund: Excuse me, Prof. Powell, but I'm a bit confused

May 16, 2003

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: What is the 'counting of the Omer'?

Jonathan Tobin: Credibility on the Line: Lack of trust for journalists didn’t grow out of a vacuum

May 15, 2003

Carol Rosenberg: Iraq's only rabbi the glue that keeps tiny Jewish community together

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Dem duds

May 14, 2003

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: Confessions of a religious feminist

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

May 13, 2003

Daniel Pipes and Gary Gambill: Sending Syria a signal

Victor J. Wishna: Hip-Hop Mameleh

JWR magazine Schmooze
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