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In this issue

May 31, 2001

The Jewish Ethicist: In certain industries, it is "business as usual" to give in to extortion. Is doing so morally wrong?

Ask Wendy: Couple he fixed-up is in a nasty breakup; overwrought over ring

May 30, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: Did you have a nice 'Catastrophe' Day?

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

May 25, 2001

Gary Rosenblatt: Commanded to be holy

Jonathan Rosenblum: The Creator didn't say 'If you're in the mood ...'

May 24, 2001

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The gift of righteousness at Shavuos

Rabbi Berel Wein: Cheesecake, blintzes and flowers

May 23, 2001

Lewis A. Fein: Time to "just say 'NO!'" --- to Holocaust obsession

Dr. Wade F. Horn: Breaching Wall of Teen Silence is worth challenge

May 22, 2001

The Jewish Ethicist: Personal phone calls at work; When is it ethical to be a tattle-tale?

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

May 21, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: No moral equivalence

Robert Leiter: All's fair for a good column

May 18, 2001

Chosen Words: A newsletter of personal and spiritual growth gleaned from classic biblical and other sources that will help you enhance your day to day life.

Jill R. Jacobs: Hold the pickle

May 17, 2001

Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: The Jewish Ethicist

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

May 16, 2001

Michael Feldberg: Old in wisdom, tender in years

Ask Wendy: The gift was counterfeit; settling for the daughter; the lush and the ostrich

May 15, 2001

Jackie Mason and Raoul Felder: THE LAST ANTI-SEMITES ARE JEWISH

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: 'Thank you for being such a pain'

May 14, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: Pope John Paul II’s precious legacy was trashed by Vatican policy and Syrian hate

Teresa Strasser: The Great Stuff Swap

May 11, 2001

Yonoson Landman: The crowds may be huge and the music loud, but Lag BaOmer in Meron ain't exactly Woodstock

Erica M. Rauzin: Sayings of the mothers. Not.

May 10, 2001

Abba Cohen: Patients' Rights, Religious Rites

Robert Leiter: Who’s the Real Gentleman?

May 9, 2001

It Wasn't How It Seemed: A burned reputation

Richard A. Greene: British Jewish vote undergoes shift

May 8, 2001

Gail Lichtman: Fallow fields, rich tradition

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

May 7, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: Civility and deicide

Tom Tugend: Non-Jewish UCLA football player keeps kosher?

May 4, 2001

Chosen Words: A newsletter of personal and spiritual growth gleaned from classic biblical and other sources that will help you enhance your day to day life.

Michael Berman: CNN: Headline Jews

May 3, 2001

Michael Feldberg: Mordecai Sheftall and the Wages of War

Michael Freund: The Pokemon Plot

May 2, 2001

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Bless Peter Singer's soul

Ask Wendy: 'Jew questions' and falsifying faith; magic marker mayhem; I want kids

May 1, 2001

Michael J. Jordan: Seeking your roots? Log on to Ellis Island

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip, The Promised Land

April 30, 2001

Jonathan Tobin: For $100,000, you’d think Clinton would be man enough to answer serious questions

Dr. Wade F. Horn: Pressured to send to pre-school

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