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In this issue

March 28, 2003

Chosen Words: A new JWR feature --- a newsletter for spiritual and personal growth written for the layman and dealing with real life issues.

Jonathan Tobin: No time to keep quiet

March 27, 2003

Martin Peretz: Failed experiments

Zev Chafets: TEL AVIV DIARIST: What's not going on is the key in this war

March 26, 2003

Michael Freund: Bush's Choice: Powell or the Prophets?

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

March 25, 2003

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: Arguing: It's a Jewish thing

Mark Steyn: Give Saddam credit

Daniel Pipes: Murder in the 101st Airborne

March 24, 2003

David Bedein: GOTCHA! How Reuters transformed an accidental death into homicide

Steven Zak: Hollywood --- then and now

March 21, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: "Just do it" leadership and spirituality

Jonathan Tobin: "Shielded" From the Truth

Charles Krauthammer: Don't Go Back to the U.N.

March 20, 2003

Zev Chafets: The big question: Can Arabs handle liberty?

Ask Wendy: Lost connection; in search of a model; daughters-in-law are the root of all evil

March 19, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Open eavesdropping

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Oy, the French!

March 18, 2003

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Purim and the limits of imagination

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Purim miracle revealed

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Everything's Relative "Reality TV" Purim!? The latest installment of the Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

March 17, 2003

Yaffa Ganz: Patterns in time? Purim, war and perspective

Rabbi Avi Shafran: The art of slander

March 14, 2003

Rabbi Yitzchok R. Rubin: Dublin Diarist: Finding the Essence

Drs. Michael A. Glueck & Robert J. Cihak: Worldwide schmaltz shortage looms --- all because of a featherless chicken

March 13, 2003

Jonathan S. Tobin: Scapegoats anyone?

Zev Chafets: Jewish plot? This pol has gone punchy

Linda Chavez: Why is the media protecting an anti-Semite?

March 12, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Animal wrongs

Charles Krauthammer: Mr. President, call the Vote. Walk Away.

March 11, 2003

Dennis Prager: The Lone Ranger rides again

Jonathan Tobin: Can't buy him love

March 10, 2003

Elisheva Harow: It seems that being amazing condemns you to an early grave

Diana West: Sorry apologies for speaking the truth

March 7, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Accountability to the spirit --- and man

Judith Bron: Can the power of prayer set to music help overcome senseless terror?

March 6, 2003

Sam Schulman: The peace movement of the 1930s made the Holocaust inevitable --- by accident; The peace Movement of today wants no more accidents: Just the death of Jews

Joe Bob Briggs: The Twilight of Kutsher's

March 5, 2003

Neal M. Sher: Isser Harel: A personal memoir

Jonah Goldberg: What if PETA ads pictured dead Palestinians?

March 4, 2003

Cal Thomas: The nation we have become: America's dirty little double standard

Daniel Pipes: Bush, the Palestinians' savior?

March 3, 2003

Jonathan S. Tobin: Stereotypes and settlements

Paul Greenberg: The unstrung quartet

Feb. 28, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Is it really proper to name buildings after donors?

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Palestinian silent majority gets louder

Feb. 27, 2003

Mark Steyn: Death wish

Ask Wendy: Collective punishment: The readers weigh in --- against me

Feb. 26, 2003

Dennis Prager: Which will the world's future be: Muslim, European or American?

Michael Freund: On Michael Jordan and mustard gas

Feb. 25, 2003

Steven Emerson: How a terrorist enterprise was created, maintained, financed, and coordinated from the safety of the United States

Daniel Pipes: Terrorists profs

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: The plot thickens

Feb. 24, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: The darker side of peace protests

Suzanne Fields: Most Americans still want people of faith as leaders

George Will: Europe's Monomania

Feb. 21, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: Golden Calf still with us --- except it has multiplied

Hillel Halkin: The immorality of losing

Feb. 20, 2003

Suzanne Fields: The jihad against the textbooks

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Who's on First?

Feb. 19, 2003

Terry Eastland: Administration fine-tunes religious rights in public education

Mark Steyn: The curtain will come down on the peaceniks

Feb. 18, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: STORM THE HEAVENS

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Who's 'with' President Bush?

Dennis Prager: When have millions of Europeans ever been wrong?

Feb. 14, 2003

Michael Feldberg: Lincoln's fight for Jewish chaplains

David Suissa: Shut up, I love you!

Feb. 13, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Prudence, not Prejudice

Cal Thomas: After Iraq, Israel

Feb. 12, 2003

Sam Schulman: 'Politics of meaning' guru confronts reality --- and is Left a pariah

Michelle Malkin: The Religious Worker Visa scam

Feb. 11, 2003

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Syria's charade: America's 'ally' promoting terrorism

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Feb. 10, 2003

Kerry Dougherty: Arafat gets ass-inine plea from PETA on intifada

Jeff Jacoby: On outing Kerry

Feb. 7, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: How to turn wealth into glory

Ask Wendy: Collective punishments; too much for a mother-in-law?

Feb. 6, 2003

Secretary Colin L. Powell: Remarks to the United Nations Security Council (Incl. VIDEO!)

Jonathan Tobin: Misunderstood Verdict

Feb. 5, 2003

Laura Ingraham: First Amendment frauds in Cincinnati

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Feb. 4, 2003

Rabbi Avi Shafran: The right question

Yossi Klein Halevi: Grief tightens U.S.-Israeli bond

Feb. 3, 2003

Joshua Brilliant: Ramon was man of faith who helped destroy Hussein's nuclear reactor

Mark Steyn: Columbia reality-check

Barbara Raynor: In "Space City," a congregation and community of Jewish astronauts mourns

Jan. 31, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: When the legal standard is not enough

Cassandra Jardine: Is the world ready for the first Sabbath-observant supermodel?

Jan. 30, 2003

David Warren No ambiguity

Michael Freund: Shattering the 50-50 Myth

Jan. 29, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: If a charity sends me a gift, do I have to give a donation?

Bob Alper: The accents of Jewish life

Jan. 28, 2003

Dennis Prager: How memories paralyze: Why Jews and blacks vote democrat, con't

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Jan. 27, 2003

Yossi Klein Halevi: Sharon's journey to the center

Jennifer Grossman: When reality TV actually reflects reality

Jan. 24, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Clearing up some misconceptions about the upcoming Israeli election

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: He has an eye on Creation

Jan. 23, 2003

David D. Perlmutter: 'Palestine' for Dummies

Ask Wendy: Honor thy parents, buy them a fancy condo?; my kid caught me lying; kid's teacher gossips about him

Jan. 22, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Right to revenge?

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Jan. 21, 2003

Dennis Prager: Why Jews and blacks vote Democrat

Jonathan Tobin: You're on your own now, Joe

Jan. 17, 2003

Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer: Fruit for the Soul

Martin Peretz: What the Palestinians still haven't figured out

Jeff Jacoby: The Sharpton hypocrisy

Jan. 16, 2003

Richard Sale: Israel joining the 'War on terror': Will begin staging targeted killings in US, other friendly countries

Burt Prelutsky: Chopin doesn't a hero make

Anne Applebaum: War without myth

Jan. 15, 2003

Nat Hentoff: Boy Scouts still under legal fire --- even after winning in High Court

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Jan. 14, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Unneeded Advice: Diaspora know-it-alls plague Israel with 'solutions' and criticism

Dennis Prager:Why the Arab world hates America

Jan. 13, 2003

Diana West: Is a war on Jews a war on democracy?

Seth Gitell: Lieberman is in a pickle --- and it's becoming increasingly more sour

Jan. 10, 2003

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: A song for the spirit

Jeff Jacoby: Israeli restraint makes terrorism more likely

Jan. 9, 2003

Larry Elder: Muslim hatred of the West is economics-based?

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Jan. 8, 2003

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: When is it ethical to send a hidden copy of an e-mail?

Kathleen Parker: YO, MUHAMMAD, IT WAS A JOKE!

Jan. 7, 2003

Jonathan Tobin: Does Bush mean what he says about democracy in the Middle East?

Daniel Pipes: "It Was a Mistake to Use Arms"

Jan. 6, 2003

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Kill Jews, get your own country

Doug Marlette: How do you say "freedom of speech" in Arabic?

Jan. 2, 2003

Rabbi Berel Wein: How to be stubborn

Suzanne Fields: Profiles in perverted courage

Dec. 31, 2002

Dennis Prager : If you believe that people are basically good . . .

Jonathan Tobin: Gambling with lives

Dec. 30, 2002

Jeff Jacoby: Good for the spirit, good for the body

Sam Schulman: This 'man of letters' never met a terrorist cause he didn't respect

Dec. 26, 2002

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Spiritual misguidance

Ask Wendy: The bride's Kosher crisis; in denial about daughter?

Dec. 24, 2002

Phil Jacobs: Of mitzvahs and phone calls

Bob Tyrrell: Uprooting Christianity in the Holy Land

Jonathan Tobin: History counts

Dec. 23, 2002

Nadia Matar: Jane in Jerusalem

Lenore Skenazy: Warning: Art ahead

Dec. 20, 2002

Linda Feinberg: The wealthy man's hunger

Hil Anderson: Combat lasers becoming a reality, as America and Israel join forces

Dec. 19, 2002

Zev Chafets: Saudis still play Santa to Arafat

Jim Sollisch: Toying with maturity

Dec. 18, 2002

Michael Feldberg: John Adams embraces a Jewish homeland

Ask Wendy: Am I a 'quitter'?; all-expenses-paid nightmare; alienating brainy son

Dec. 17, 2002

Mona Charen: Jews, Blacks, and Senator Lott

Daniel Pipes: PBS: Missionary for Islam?

Dec. 16, 2002

Jonathan Tobin: An end to the deception

Everything's Relative, Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal. Online exclusively at JWR.

Dec. 13, 2002

Hillel Halkin: You don't have to be Orthodox to cherish the Sabbath

Rabbi Berel Wein: Weakening Jewry in an effort to fortify it

Dec. 12, 2002

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Jews are suffering political Alzheimer's

Ask Wendy: Bread, milk and a rabbi?; 'special status child' cause of fraying friendship

Dec. 11, 2002

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Do I need the caller's permission to put a call on the speakerphone?

Mark A. Kellner: Searching for Mr. Good Nazi

Dec. 10, 2002

Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: JWR AT FIVE

Jonathan Tobin: In praise of troublemakers

Dec. 9, 2002

Mortimer Zuckerman: Sheep, wolves, and reality

Lou Marano: Jewish group at Montreal university that canceled Netanyahu speech defies intimidation

Dec. 6, 2002

Rabbi Berel Wein: Chanukah: Be politically incorrect --- and be proud doing so

Gary Rosenblatt: Gifts You Won't Find Elsewhere

Charles Krauthammer: Violence and Islam

Dec. 5, 2002

Rabbi Y. Y. Rubinstein: Chanukah: The right to be ourselves

Joshua Brilliant: Sharon agrees to Palestinian state

Mark Goldblatt: Our 'lunatics' and theirs

Ethel G. Hofman: Chanukah favorites from young Jewish culinary entrepreneurs

Dec. 4, 2002

Marisa N. Pickar: Let the light of spiritual wisdom shine

Dennis Prager: Morally neutral reporting is dishonest reporting

Paul Wieder: Chanukah, classical and pops

Dec. 3, 2002

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Chanukah and the dynamics of dispute

Chezi Goldberg: 261 dead

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. This week: "Your Official Guide to Hunting Seasons "

Dec. 2, 2002

Rabbi Yisrael Rutman: 8 Surprising Lessons from the Laws of Chanukah

Jonathan Tobin: Out of the mouths of the 'ignorant'

Lori Borgman: High-seas adventure would enlist few takers today

Nov. 27, 2002

Rabbi Benjamin Blech: Hanukkah by the Light of the Moon

Jeff Jacoby: Light's victory over darkness

Nov. 26, 2002

Mark Steyn: A bombing pause -- for 12 months!?

Dennis Prager: Understand Nigeria and you understand the Islamic threat

Nov. 25, 2002

Zev Chafets: Sharon looks like a winner

Ethel G. Hofman: Foodbooks: The best reads

Nov. 22, 2002

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Most valuable players enemy

Bob Alper: Toward rabbinic survival

Nov. 21, 2002

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: The Jews are their own worst enemy

Ask Wendy: This week: Attire in the Divine's 'house'; marriage failed, who gets the gifts?; does the fruit fall far from the deformed tree?

Nov. 20, 2002

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Should I disclose my friend's problem so that others can help him?

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

Nov. 19, 2002

Yossi Klein Halevi: What Sadat understood about Israelis and peace

Daniel Pipes: Naming the enemy

Nov. 18, 2002

Jonathan Tobin: Seeking a Jewish Agenda: Commitment to principle, not partisanship should be community's political priority

Binyamin Netanyahu: Israel expects world's support not only when burying dead; but when fighting to defend lives against the forces of terror

Nov. 15, 2002

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: A powerful voice for faith

Mark Benson: Looking to hit a home run with Jewish baseball card series

Nov. 14, 2002


Ask Wendy: Does father know best?; excuses, excuses

Nov. 13, 2002

Y. Levy: Kosher industry adapts to younger consumers

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's latest installment of life on Planet Jewish Gen-X. Everything's Relative, online exclusively at JWR

Nov. 12, 2002

Amitai Etzioni: Killing Christians: The underreported story of Islamist violence around the world

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Could Israel die of thirst?

Nov. 11, 2002

Jonathan Tobin: The other election: Count on the media to get it wrong, too

David Twersky: The week that was

Nov. 8, 2002

Sarah Shapiro: A Handicapped Look at Disability

Alan M. Dershowitz: Treatment of Israel strikes an alien note

Nov. 7, 2002

Zev Chafets: Watch for Dubya to give Arik political hug

Jonathan Tobin: Too Late for the 60s

Nov. 6, 2002

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Of ethics and ironies

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

Nov. 5, 2002

Sam Schulman: Will Jewish votes for Dems speed the mainstreaming of anti-Semitic voices?

Dennis Prager: Of course, the great majority of Muslims are peaceful -- so what?

Nov. 4, 2002

Julia Gorin: Election Day of Atonement

Jonah Goldberg: The politics of evil

Nov. 1, 2002

Rabbi Berel Wein: Hebron: The struggle for the Holy Land in micro

Ask Wendy: Should son be able to flee the nest to the college of choice?; elderly 'friend' is becoming different person

Oct. 31, 2002

David Twersky: Paul Wellstone and the future of the Democrats

David Bedein: This Halloween, UNICEF treats you with new PR trick against Israel

Oct. 30, 2002

Mark Steyn: Stop making excuses for Muslim extremists

Jonathan Tobin: A Pitcher and a Mentsh

Oct. 29, 2002

Benjamin Smith: The mainstreaming of terrorist shills? NY Mayor Bloomberg appoints to Human Rights Commission counsel to Arab group accused of condoning terrorism

Michael Feldberg: The day President Van Buren helped rescue Syrian Jewry

Oct. 28, 2002

Cal Thomas: The Jewish mission is far from finished

Diana West: Jihad as a First Amendment right

Oct. 26, 2002

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Whose Abraham?

Daniel Pipes: The Snipers in context

Oct. 25, 2002

Avi Jorisch: Corporate America's funding of terrorism?

Dennis Prager: A Jew defends evangelical Christians

Oct. 24, 2002

Harvey Tannenbaum: "Which body is my child?"

Jonathan Tobin: This controversy is more about who we are than how many of us there are

Oct. 23, 2002

Martin Peretz: The Pride

Paul Wieder: Television freylachs... and other klezmer madness

Oct. 21, 2002

Yossi Klein Halevi: Sharon's balancing act

Ask Wendy: 'Good friends' who take but don't give; a wife's right to know; he wants to be rude about Jews

Oct. 18, 2002

M. Gardner: The anti-Adam Shapiro

Robert Leiter: Why is the NYTimes defanging the Black Panthers?

Oct. 17, 2002

Zev Chafets: Israelis bracing for US' punch at Iraq

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Doing nothing

Oct. 16, 2002

The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Can I pocket part of my travel allowance?

Jonathan Kellerman: How to respond to psychopaths and terrorists

Oct. 15, 2002

Yossi Klein Halevi: United State

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.

Oct. 14, 2002

Lou Marano: Christians rally for Israel in Washington

Jonathan Tobin: Is there anything dumber than repudiating Christians who support Israel?

John Leo: Campus hate parade?

Oct. 11, 2002

Dennis Prager: Why the Creator must always be higher than the Angels

Harvey Tannenbaum: Who will light the Sabbath candles for grandma?

Oct. 10, 2002

David Silverberg: Learning to live on the knife-edge

Lenore Skenazy: Sometimes death opens up the door

Oct. 9, 2002

Jonah Goldberg: Does it really matter why Christians support Israel?

Jonathan Tobin: Academic mafia targets truth-teller Pipes

Oct. 8, 2002

Adam Dickter: Observing the Sabbath, even when it is not fashionable

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Did Tony Soprano shoot J.R.?

Oct. 7, 2002

Jonathan Tobin: The Soul of the Democrats?: With Gore sliding to the left, Lieberman's voice is needed on Iraq

Morton B. Zuckerman: A shameful contagion

Oct. 4, 2002

Rabbi Berel Wein: The book of "Bereishis" (Genesis): The book of mankind

Julia Gorin: On the dark side: The fear factor

David Twersky: Better nude than crude?

Oct. 3, 2002

David Gelernter: A New Synagogue in the Old City

Michael Freund: Where do I sign up for the "Zionist Lobby"?

Oct. 2, 2002

Dennis Prager: Loudmouth "stars" are remaining surprisingly quiet about Israel

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Everything's Relative. This week: Your Official Jewish Guide to Post-9/11 Thoughts Too Daring To Say Out Loud

Oct. 1, 2002

Richard Sale and Anwar Iqbal: Two former CIA officials: Pearl was on the trail of a 9-11 mastermind

Michael Ledeen: The real foe

JWR magazine Schmooze
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