Jewish World Review
The intersection of faith, culture and politics
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

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--- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

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Seriously Funny
Shmooze Control
By Mordechai Schiller

A wordsmith is stumped --- and then enlightened

The Oldest Hatred
As anti-Semitism rises in France, Macron's government struggles to respond
By James McAuley

The increasing attacks on French Jews have coincided with the yellow vest protest movement

Must Know Info
Password managers have a security flaw. What to do about it
By Geoffrey A. Fowler

A new study finds bugs in five of the most-popular password managers. So how is it safe to keep all your eggs in one basket?

Parents can't always find the source of benign aches and pains. Maybe we don't need to
By Courtney E. Martin

I'm not one of those hovering, symptom-Googling mothers (at least not anymore . . . after five years of endless germs and a few ER visits, I've grown sturdier)

How an anti-inflammatory diet can help tame an autoimmune condition
By Casey Seidenberg

You've likely heard of the most common autoimmune diseases - including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, celiac disease, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease - but you might be unaware that there are more than 80 named but lesser-known types. They effect an estimated 23.5 million Americans

Ess, Ess/ Eat, Eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Kary Osmond

Full of goodness and very filling, this deliciously exotic, healthy and comforting soup with just a wee bit of kick is . . . perfect

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Bart van Leeuwen

Sean Delonas

Lisa Benson

Chip Bok

A.F. Branco

Ed Gamble

Bob Gorrell

Dave Granlund

Steve Kelley

Jeff Koterba

Rick McKee

Tom Stiglich

Michael Ramirez

[ T O D A Y  I N  H I S T O R Y ]

On this day in . . .

• 1792, the Postal Service Act, establishing the United States Post Office Department, is signed by President George Washington

• 1809, the Supreme Court, in United States v. Peters, ruled the power of the federal government is greater than that of any individual state

• 1839, Congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia

• 1872, in New York City, the Metropolitan Museum of Art opens

• 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt signed an immigration act which excluded "idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons" from being admitted to the United States

• 1931, California gets the go-ahead by the U.S. Congress to build the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge

• 1933, the Congress of the United States proposes the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, which would end Prohibition in the United States

• 1938, Anthony Eden resigned as British foreign secretary following Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's decision to negotiate with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

• 1943, American movie studio executives agree to allow the Office of War Information to censor movies

• 1944, during World War II: "Big Week" ended with American bomber raids on Nazi, ym"sh, aircraft manufacturing centers

• 1947, State of Prussia ceases to exist

• 1959, the Dow Jones industrial average closed above 600 for the first time, at 602.21

• 1962, Mercury program: While aboard Friendship 7, John Glenn orbits the earth three times in 4 hours, 55 minutes, becoming the first American to orbit the earth

• 1971, the National Emergency Warning Center in Colorado erroneously ordered U.S. radio and TV stations off the air; some stations heeded the alert, which was not lifted for about 40 minutes

• 1987, Soviet authorities released Jewish activist Josef Begun

• 2007, in a victory for President Bush, a divided federal appeals court ruled that Guantanamo Bay detainees could not use the U.S. court system to challenge their indefinite imprisonmen

• 2008, a U.S. Navy cruiser blasted a disabled spy satellite with a pinpoint missile strike that achieved the main mission of exploding a tank of toxic fuel 130 miles above the Pacific Ocean. ALSO: Space shuttle Atlantis and its crew returned to Earth, after delivering a new European lab to the international space station

• 2011, anti-government protesters in Libya battled back against gunfire from the forces of Moammar Gadhafi as his son warned the country of a possible civil war. Some reports placed the weeklong protester death toll at 200

• 2014, President Barack Obama, in Mexico for a North American summit, urged Ukraine to avoid violence against peaceful protesters or face consequences; shortly after Obama's remarks, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's office said he and opposition leaders had agreed on a truce

[ I N S I G H T ]

Ben Shapiro: 3 Lessons From the Jussie Smollett Hoax

News of the Weird: Least Competent Criminal | Oh, Florida

Mitch Albom: Robocalls and phone scams are all the rage in 2019

L. Brent Bozell III: Smollett And the 'Fakes First' Media

Bill Whalen: The Grass Is Always Greener --- Unless You're Pandering For Votes

Rich Lowry: The demented FBI bid to oust Trump

Byron York: Much talk that something's up with Mueller --- too bad nobody knows

John Stossel: Bogus Gun Research

Niall Ferguson: 'Bohemian Rhapsody' --- Political Style

Youkyung Lee & Jon Herskovitz: Why North Korea may give up its nuclear crown jewel at Trump summit

Michelle Malkin: Malkin's Handy History of Fake Noose

(HELL FREEZES OVER) CNN hires a prominent conservative to help direct its political coverage. Staffers are fuming

Trump approves plan to create Space Force and puts it under Air Force control

Inmates break into car --- to help parents rescue toddler

Microsoft says it has found another Russian operation targeting prominent think tanks

David Von Drehle: Bernie has one big problem: Eugene McCarthy

At the High Court by Robert Barnes: Justice Thomas calls for re-examining libel as Supreme Court rejects Cosby case

At the High Court by Robert Barnes: Roberts again sides with libs in disagreeing with lower court interpretations

Marc A. Thiessen: Trump shouldn't be forcing Republicans to choose fidelity to him or to the Constitution

Evan Thomas: Trump may win in High court. Is it time to wring our hands about the decline of democracy and the rise of authoritarianism? No

Walter Williams: Plunder: An American Way of Life

Dry Bones

Mallard Filmore

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