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A last chance for the Mideast?
By Richard Z. Chesnoff
NO MATTER HOW HOT it's gotten for the scandal-haunted
Clinton demanded new and rapid movement towards a
final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.
That means solid Palestinian steps to crack down on terrorism and
live up to security commitments countered by substantial new
Israeli withdrawals from the West Bank -- and soon.
The question is, what's substantial, and how soon? Clinton
reportedly suggested the Israelis redeploy in stages from an
additional 15 per cent of the West Bank. But Netanyahu fears
that anything Israel gives back now diminishes its bargaining
position in final-status talks -- which under the Oslo
Accords haven't really stared yet. Netanyahu wants final
status talks to begin in tandem with any new redployment.
Besides, argues Bibi, thanks to past Israeli withdrawals, the
Palestinians already control -- alone or jointly with Israel --
some 27 per cent of the West Bank. That includes all major West
Bank cities. As for the Gaza Strip, that's almost entirely
Palestinian-controlled. If Arafat can't harness terrorists in
these stretches of land, why should Israel give him more?
Then there's the problem of Israel's West Bank settlements. No
one should be asking Israel to dismantle major settlements or to
endanger its survival with a return to its pre-1967 indefensible
borders. Still, there's a difference between sustaining safe
borders and gobbling up most of the West bank. And there are real
settlements -- and not so real settlements. According
to one map being passed around in the Netantyahu
camp, every tiny little trailer camp of zealot settlers is to
become an Israeli enclave. That's ridiculous; 75 per cent of the
160,000 settlers live in only seven per cent of the West Bank.
Israel must control that, as well as any other strategic areas
essential to its security -- such as parts of the
Jordan Valley and some of the highlands.
But Netanyahu must show flexibility. There's no doubt he's
caught in a bind that even Samson would have found hard to break.
His own government is hanging by a thread. He has to maneuver
between right-wing extremists and moderates to stay politically
alive. Already some of his most important coalition partners have
abandoned him -- including Foreign Minister David Levy, an
unlikely but still serious dove who felt Bibi wasn't doing enough
to move peace forward. The Likud coalition's parliamentary
majority -- never overwhelming -- has now dropped to one seat!
As David Makovsky, the erudite analyst of the prestigious
Israel daily Ha'aretz puts it: "Any shmegegy in the Knesset
could topple Bibi's government."
In the end, that may not be the worst thing that could happen.
What may emerge from a new Israeli election is a coalition
government of both Likud and Labor moderates -- one that could
move forward with a peace that both guarantees Israeli security
and reasonably fulfills Palestinan aspirations.
Meanwhile, maybe it's time for Clinton to retreat to Camp David
with his two Mideast partners and hammer out a deal. It may even
be one way to keep Lewinskygate at
1/11/98: The Moment for Restitution Has Arrived
JWR contributor and veteran journalist Richard Z. Chesnoff is a senior correspondent at US News And World Report and a columnist at the NY Daily News.