L'Chaim! / Jewish Living
Jewish World Review June 19, 1998 / 25 Sivan, 5758

The Promised Land: The Continuing Story of Jewish Life in the Diaspora, by Jordan B. Gorfinkel


6/12/98: Overworked and underpaid
6/3/98: Welcome to the Congress of United Disenfranchised Jewish Confederations Organization
5/26/98: What next?
5/22/98: Go down, Moses
5/15/98: Eye to Eye
5/7/98: Details, details
4/29/98: Dishes, smishes
4/21/98: Solemn rituals
4/16/98: Bubby knows best

New York City cartoonist and comics maven Jordan B. Gorfinkel aspires to "refrigerator-door" status.

©1998, Jordan B. Gorfinkel