A lost cause remembered
Marking the centennial of the failed ideology of the Bundists
By Jonathan S. Tobin
Yiddish is in. From Harvard to the spanking new National Yiddish Book
in Amherst, Mass., to local schools and JCCs around the country, study
Nostalgia for the culture and especially the language of Eastern
Jewry is definitely in fashion among American Jewry these days.
This is, by and large, a good thing. Yiddish has an honorable place in
history of Jewish literature and thought. Even more, the emotions the
of Yiddish evoke among Jews of Ashkenazi descent -- even those who are
two or
more generations removed from Yiddish as a spoken language -- are a
rememberance of generations past. In particular, it is closely
with the millions who perished in the Holocaust.
The debates which raged among Jews two generations ago over whether
or Hebrew was deserving of primacy in Jewish life, are over. Hebrew, the
language of the Bible and modern Israel, always was and still is the
language of the Jewish people. Yiddish could no more assume that title
than Ladino --
the language spoken by Sephardic Jews. Only Hebrew embraces the past,
present and the future of all of Jewish civilization. And though Yiddish
ought to be preserved and respected, it is the study of Hebrew (in which
scandalously few American Jews have attained fluency) and not Yiddish,
educated Jews ought to devote themselves.
But largely lost amid the Yiddishist craze is the memory of the movement
that truly gave Yiddish life and purpose: The Bund. Few American Jews
outside of
college history departments or the Workmen's Circle Building in New York
City have even heard of it. But, on the eve of the Holocaust, the Bund
(officially known as the Algemeiner Yiddisher Arbeterbund fun Russland
un Poilen -- the
General Jewish Labor Federation of Russia and Poland) was the largest
political movement in Poland -- the second largest Jewish community in
world at that time.
A forgotten centennial
Ironically, even as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Theodor
convening of the First Zionist Congress this past summer, the Bund's
centennial passed largely without notice. Last month, about a hundred
gathered at the Greater Hartford Jewish Community Center to remember the
Bund with a historical lecture, Yiddish songs and the showing of a
Bundist film
made in 1939.
As historian Prof. Samuel Kassow of Trinity College pointed out at that
gathering, only weeks after Herzl placed the modern Zionist movement
the world stage at Basel, Switzerland, a group of hardbitten Jewish
revolutionaries did the same for the Bund in Vilna. But, as Kassow
out, "there were no top hats and no cheers" at the Bund convention. The
delegates slipped into a nondescript house one at a time to evade police
surveillance. For days, they sat on a bare floor under a picture of
debating Russian Socialist doctrine.
In part, theirs was a revolt against the low status of urban laborers in
Jewish culture as well as a protest against the persecution every Jew
Their goal was to create a movement which would strive to overthrow the
Czarist government of Poland and Russia while maintaining a separate
workers' identity. Though they despised Jewish religion and tradition,
Bundists, unlike other Marxists, did not want the Jewish people to
They had a utopian vision in which the Jews of Eastern Europe would live
work side by side with their Polish, Russian and Ukrainian neighbors.
believed Poles would "sober up" from the virus of antisemitism.
Their dreams became a sick joke
Today, after the Holocaust, and generations of antisemitic violence in
those countries even after the Nazis and the Communists, their dreams
sound like
"a sick joke," said Kassow.
The Bund was also characterized by a fervent opposition to Zionism, a
they pursued up until the bitter end of Eastern European Jewry. When in
late thirties, the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky toured Poland urging
"evacuation" of European Jewry, the Bundists hurled abuse at him and
him of abetting antisemitism! The Bund had their way: The Jews of
would stay and ultimately more than 90 percent would perish in the
crematoria of Treblinka and the rubble of the Warsaw Ghetto.
"No movement has ever failed so completely" as the Bund, concluded
Having allied themselves with a failed ideology that turned upon them in
Soviet Union (where Bundists were persecuted and murdered), and
in escape from the deathtrap of Eastern Europe, the Bund lost everything
the Holocaust.
Visions of a doomed people
Yet, up until this tragic end, the Bund was far more popular among
Jews than the various Zionist movements. And for that Kassow had a
cogent reason.
Though they were wrong about virtually every important question that
20th century Jews, they were often animated by a greater sense of
Yisrael -- love of the ordinary Jew.
Zionists were sometimes more interested in building the Jewish future
than helping the Jew trapped in the present. Bundist achievements were
not inconsiderable. They organized Jewish self-defense against pogroms as well as trade unions. It helped transform
Yiddish from a colloquial jargon into a great literary culture. And
Bundist immigrants had a powerful impact on American Jewish life.
"They gave the Jewish worker a sense of dignity, of worth and hope,"
said in his eulogy for Bundism. "They gave them a sense they were not
Viewing the Bundist film which portrayed Jewish children at the
youth camp, it was hard to keep back the tears as one stared into the
of Jewish children who would almost certainly all be dead in less than
years. As they mouthed the socialist claptrap about the solidarity of
workers, one could dismiss Bundism as a bizarre, if picturesque, chapter
Jewish history.
One hundred years after Bundism was founded, we have no need for their
foolish political ideology or their sad rejection of Jewish tradition
and the land
of Israel. Their idea that Jewish identity could survive as a purely
Diaspora phenomenon is an intellectual dead-end.
The Zionists were right about Jewish history, the Jewish future, and the
primacy of Hebrew. That is a fact that we should never forget even as we
Yiddish is on the upswing.
JWR contributor Jonathan S. Tobin is executive editor of the
Connecticut Jewish Ledger.
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