July 11, 2003 Rabbi Berel Wein: An ugly reality only the most enlightened refuse to concede Jonathan Tobin: Deja Vu All Over Again: Will U.S. and Jewish support for the Palestinian Authority aid peace? July 10, 2003 The Jewish Ethicist : Adversity in Possession David D. Perlmutter: BEWARE PALESTINIAN ROPE-A-DUPE TACTICS July 9, 2003 Yossi Klein Halevi: About those 'settlements' Ask Wendy: Family or irrelevant charity?; don't they make grateful kids, anymore?
July 8, 2003 Rabbi Avi Shafran: DEMORALIZED? Daniel Pipes: A shot at peace
July 7, 2003 Yaffa Ganz: NOT JUST TERROR
Deena Yellin: A revenge that's not only
July 3, 2003 Rabbi Berel Wein: Time to make what should be into what must be Cal Thomas: Useful idiots in the Middle East John Monaghan: Parents confront a summer full of violent movies pitched to children July 2, 2003 The Jewish Ethicist: The risks and benefits of a worldwide marketplace Ask Wendy: Should child with no business acumen inherit one?; baby shower after birth July 1, 2003 Daniel Pipes: Washington: Do As I Say . . . Victor J. Wishna: Staging a Comeback June 30, 2003 Sidney Zion: Arabs' choice: The road map or Israeli fury Paul Greenberg: What the Supreme Court doesn't know about race June 27, 2003 Ira Rifkin: A lesson about the Tribe Jonathan Tobin: We Must Teach Our Children June 26, 2003 Martin Peretz: Traveling With Bad Companions: Western supporters of the Palestinian cause are morally blind (MUST READ!) America has gone kosher and shrewd manufactures are reaping the profit$ June 25, 2003 Mark Steyn: It's Mullah time! Steven Zak: '24' masks insult as entertainment June 24, 2003 The Jewish Ethicist: Q: Should we tell an incompetent merchant why customers are staying away? Frank J. Gaffney, Jr: THE DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES June 23, 2003 Binyamin Netanyahu: America does not want a new terrorist state to emerge. How to prevent it Jeff Jacoby: Pipes's effective path to peace June 20, 2003 Jonathan Mark: Honor or Glory? Turning Opening Night into Sabbath Jonathan Tobin: Prey to the same trap June 19, 2003 Rod Dreher: IS THE WORLD BLIND, IN DENIAL OR JUST APATHETIC? Yaffa Ganz: A nation of schizophrenics? June 18, 2003 Edward I. Koch: Keep American troops out of Israel Michael Freund: Scanning the road map scorecard Ask Wendy: Sensitivity for non-mourners?; criticism sounds sour note; clichéd situation with very real problem
June 17, 2003 Ruth Wisse: Jews and Anti-Jews Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: UNDESIRABLE INFLUENCE
June 16, 2003 David Warren: Hunting season Judy Lash Balint: The Sabbath after
June 13, 2003 The Jewish Ethicist: Q. Is it permissible for providers of vital services to go on strike? Jonathan Tobin: Trading Places Burt Prelutsky : The flag and I
June 12, 2003 Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: WAKE UP CALL! (WARNING: Not for the faint of heart!)
June 11, 2003 David Warren: Double suicide Eve Tushnet School Vouchers and the Myth of Neutrality
June 10, 2003 Dennis Prager: Only a Palestinian civil war will bring peace Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.
June 9, 2003 Charles Krauthammer: Shades of Oslo Jonathan Tobin: Lessons From History
Joel Mowbray:: The will to go on June 5, 2003 Rabbi Pinchas Stolper: Revelation: The basis of faith Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Shavuos: A wedding for the ages
Harvey Tannenbaum: A bad movie that seems will never end June 4, 2003 Michael Freund: RISE UP, REPUBLICANS! Joel Mowbray: 'What most Jews don't want to verbalize is that they know, deep down, this is never going to stop'
Michael Currie Schaffer: When Monica takes to the streets, Iraqis notice
June 3, 2003 Cal Thomas: REKINDLING THE FIRES OF AUSCHWITZ Martin Peretz: Honors
June 2, 2003 Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: Confessions of a religious feminist, Part II Jeff Jacoby: BIGOTRY AND THE 'ROAD MAP'
May 30, 2003 Rabbi Berel Wein: The Incredible Shrinking People Jonathan Tobin: Bush's flight plan to nowhere Charles Krauthammer: No Phony 'Cease-Fires' With Terrorism
May 29, 2003 Frank J. Gaffney, Jr: 'Road trap' for America, too Joel Mowbray: 'Neocon': Slang for 'Jew'?
May 28, 2003 Cal Thomas: TERRORISM PAYS Dennis Prager: Monkeys and atheists
May 27, 2003 David Zwiebel: Of fat cats and fat mouths and silence Zev Chafets: Political and literal suicide
May 23, 2003 Rabbi Berel Wein: To be a Jew Jonathan Tobin: The 13th Tribe Speaks
May 22, 2003 David Warren: Carrot poisoning Ask Wendy : Destructive do-gooders?; party politicking
May 21, 2003 Ira Rifkin: Terror at a crossroads: Will Muslim moderates finally speak out against extremists? Michael Graham: Springtime for Hitler?
May 20, 2003 Rabbi Pinchas Stolper: The Mystery of Lag B'Omer Cal Thomas: The Threat Among Us Mona Charen: The suffering Palestinians
May 19, 2003 Binyamin L. Jolkovsky: What part of homicide bombing doesn't the world understand!? Michael Freund: Excuse me, Prof. Powell, but I'm a bit confused
May 16, 2003 Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: What is the 'counting of the Omer'? Jonathan Tobin: Credibility on the Line: Lack of trust for journalists didn’t grow out of a vacuum
May 15, 2003 Carol Rosenberg: Iraq's only rabbi the glue that keeps tiny Jewish community together Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Dem duds
May 14, 2003 Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: Confessions of a religious feminist Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's Jewish Gen-X strip with ecumenical appeal, Everything's Relative. Online exclusively at JWR.
May 13, 2003 Daniel Pipes and Gary Gambill: Sending Syria a signal Victor J. Wishna: Hip-Hop Mameleh |