![]() Dearest readers: In this season of miracles, consider this: On Dec. 10th, JWR heads toward completing our first decade of publishing. This month, we'll be among the oldest surviving non-corporate sites on the web. A miracle? Well, maybe not in the biblical sense. But certainly one by modern standards. Consider how many other sites have come and gone. Ones that had millions invested in them have disappeared into the ether. Yet JWR has survived another year and continues to significantly improve an already great resource.
You've come to rely on JWR to be an eloquent and elegant exponent of the values you hold dear. You turn to us for articles that are often at odds with conventional wisdom because they reveal "inconvenient truths." Every day, JWR inspires while it entertains. Emboldens at the same time it advocates for reason. You have gained from JWR. Today, however, we need YOUR help. Most assume that an operation that publishes as much material as we do and as often as we do must be run by a team and backed by a well-funded corporation. It simply isn't so. The key to JWR's success? Providing our readers the world over with the best content that suits your sensibilities and needs. But we also rely on lots of help from Above and the assistance of those Down Here. GET READY FOR SIGNIFICANT CHANGES
Cynics say that miracles never happen. Unlike Divine miracles, integral to modern day ones is the human component. You count on JWR. Now we are counting on you. In order to complete what we've started indeed, for us to continue to improve and serve you we need YOUR help. Pause for a moment and recall all of the articles you've read this year that left you impressed and all of those you've forwarded to others. Remember that sense of gratification and please act on those feelings.
In SINCERE gratitude and friendship, PS: Many, when receiving notes like this one, assume that somebody else will be the one to help out. Let me tell you frankly: They won't. JWR needs YOU. Please help ensure JWR keeps on keeping on. You can make a tax deductible charitable contribution of ANY amount through our secure online form or by making out a check and mailing it to the sponsoring foundation at: Keren Yehoshua V'Yisroel Foundation/JWR
Tax ID: 22-3209160 Please note on the "memo line" it is for the Internet educational project. |