Chiune Sugihara's "strange conspiracy of goodness"
by Ari Zivotofsky
In Search of Sugihara, by Hillel Levine, 323 pp. The Free Press, 1996.
In 1940, in the midst of WWII, a career Japanese
While in Vilna, Lithuania to attend the opening of a
new Jewish studies program in 1993, Levine decided to visit Kovno
to see the embassy where this heroic act of courage took place. A
Harvard trained sociologist and historian, Levine undertook to
find out just who Sugihara was and what it was that led him to
risk life and career in order to save these unknown Jews. In
Search of Sugihara is the product of Levine's research.
Sugihara was the newly posted Japanese consul and spy in
Kovno, Lithuania, sent by his Nazi-allied government to
gather information for the Japanese military. While there , he was
confronted by the plight of displaced Jews fleeing the Nazi
atrocities. For some unknown reason, he began to feverishly issue
transit visas to these Jews.
Levine was intrigued by what made this mid-level Japanese
spy and diplomat act so altruistically. Even more
startling to Levine was that these visas worked. These illegal
visas were eventually recognized by the Russians and by the
Japanese stationed on the Manchurian border. In Levine's view, it
was as if Sugihara "unleashed a massive goodness -- a conspiracy
of goodness that in its brazenness disarmed others."
Among the beneficiaries of the rescue was the entire Mirrer
Yeshiva. Rabbi Moshe Zupnick, then a student at the Mirrer
Yeshiva, collected the relevant documents and went to Sugihara to
request a visa for himself. When Sugihara granted it, Zupnick,
with all the audacity he could muster, requested 300 more for the
whole yeshiva. Sugihara was willing to comply but said he had
neither the time nor manpower to write the visas. Zupnick
returned with several friends, and copied over the visas by hand.
There was only one problem -- they did not speak Japanese and so
they copied the visas lock, stock and barrel! All 300 Mirrer
Yeshiva students were thus named Rabinovitz as far as the visas
were concerned. Yet, inexplicably, the Japanese border guards let
the visas pass -- a "strange conspiracy of goodness."
sought the source of this wellspring. As such he went to great
lengths, searching Japanese, American, and European archives, and
interviewing survivors and colleagues, leaving no stone unturned.
Levine recently spoke at the Washington, D.C. JCC's Chaim
Kempner book author lecture series. He described the lengths
to which he had gone, literally travelling to the ends of the
earth to understand what made Sugihara tick. For example, after
considerable research, Levine discovered that Sugihara had been
previously married to a Russian. It occurred to Levine that maybe
she was actually Jewish and had kindled in him a love for Jews.
After considerable effort he discovered that his first wife was
still alive. At 93 years old, she was living in an old age home
in Sydney, Australia. Levine immediately traveled to Australia to
interview her. As it turns out, she was a non-Jewish White
Russian from an antisemitic family. But the
interview was not futile. Levine believes that she shed a great
deal of light on what kind of man Sugihara was. He was sensitive,
caring, and understanding -- qualities that would help explain his
behavior. Almost as if she had been waiting to share her 70-year
old memories, Sugihara's first wife died two days after the
This is not the only book on the Sugihara story. Recently
Ken Mochizuki wrote a 32-page children's book entitled Passage to
Freedom: The Sugihara Story, and Sugihara's wife, Yukiko, has written
Visas for Life: The Remarkable Story of Chiune and Yukiko
Sugihara. Levine's book is definitely the most scholarly and best
According to Levine, Yukiko gives herself too great a
role in a self-serving book and adds unsubstantiated facts that
are unnecessary to the story. She claims her husband lost his job
after the war because of insubordination. True, Levine says,
Sugihara did lose his job, but it was related to the post-WWII
Japanese house-cleaning in the transition from empire to occupied
land and was unrelated to this minor event of his stint in Kovno.
Yukiko claims her husband thrice requested permission to issue
these visas and was repeatedly denied, yet persisted in issuing
them. Levine counters that there is no evidence of this, although
Sugihara clearly did violate standard protocol of visa issuance
and "threw all caution to the wind."
The one drawback in this book is that in attempting to
understand Sugihara's motives, it analyzes every minute facet of
his life. There are times when these details become overwhelming.
Despite this, the story of how Chiune Sugihara saved thousands of Jews from
certain death is worth knowing, and this is the most comprehensive
book on the subject. Even if it means skipping pages when the
details get too nitty-gritty, the book is worthwhile for the
perspective it gives on an important area of Holocaust history
and the light it sheds on the life of a true hero who has been
declared by Yad Vashem a Righteous Gentile.
diplomat raised in a typical pre-WWI Japanese middle-class household seemingly defies his superiors' orders and, as consul in Kovno,
Lithuania, issues thousands of transit visas to desperate Jews,
saving their lives. To Professor Hillel Levine, the story
sounded too fanciful to be true. He had heard mention of it, but
this story of Chiune Sugihara (1900-1986) certainly had never
garnished the attention afforded Raoul Wallenberg or Oskar
Ari Zivotofsky is a writer based in suburban Washington, DC. As of this issue, he becomes a regular contributor to JWR.