Jewish World Review
The intersection of faith, culture and politics
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

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"Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered."

--- Al Capp


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Inspired Living
More Micro, Less Aggression
By Rabbi Yonason Goldson

In the marketplace of ideas, you get what you pay for

Reality Check
A different media reaction when Israel was described as 'sh--ty'
By Tom Gross

Rules and standards in "polite Society"

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Still In Denial?
Palestinian president shows the world who he really is --- believe him
By Eli Lake

Important for pro-Israel advocates --- but even more so for utopian seeking libs

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Your Personal Better
5 ways to have a happier life and better relationships
By Kimberly Giles

Read this short, realistic article to help you master truly life-changing techniques

Medical Mystery Solved
He woke up unable to walk. A doctor refused to think conventionally, finally, discovering why
By Sandra G. Boodman

The otherwise healthy 20-something would eventually learn that immobility would be the least of it!

Wealth Strategies
The 9 Best Dividend Growth Stocks in the Dow
By Brian Bollinger

They offer some of the best potential for long-term growth and maintain very healthy Dividend Safety Scores

Ess, Ess/ Eat, Eat!
The Kosher Gourmet
By Joe Yonan

This simple Portuguese soup -- aromatic, silky rich yet marvelously mild, with little bursts of peppery flavor -- is the perfect perk up for your cold-weather doldrums

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

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Bob Gorrell BONUS!

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Michael Ramirez BONUS!

[ T O D A Y  I N  H I S T O R Y ]

On this day in . . .

• 1595, Henry IV of France declares war on Spain

• 1608, Emperor Susenyos of Ethiopia surprises an Oromo army at Ebenat; his army reportedly kills 12,000 Oromo at the cost of 400 men

• 1648, England's Long Parliament passes the Vote of No Addresses, breaking off negotiations with King Charles I and thereby setting the scene for the second phase of the English Civil War

• 1806, the first baby was born in the White House, the grandson of U.S. President Thomas Jefferson

• 1871, Andrew Hallikie received a patent for a cable car system that went into service in San Francisco in 1873

• 1893, Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii was deposed in a bloodless revolution and a provisional government established, with annexation by the United States as its aim

• 1912, Sir Robert Falcon Scott reaches the South Pole, one month after Roald Amundsen

• 1917, the United States pays Denmark $25 million for the Virgin Islands

• 1929, Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by Elzie Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theatre comic strip. ALSO: Inayatullah Khan, king of the Emirate of Afghanistan abdicates the throne after only three days into his reign

• 1945, the Nazis, ym"sh, begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz concentration camp as Soviet forces close in. ALSO: Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg was taken into Soviet custody while in Hungary; he is never publicly seen again. AND: Soviet forces capture the almost completely destroyed Polish city of Warsaw

• 1946, the UN Security Council holds its first session

• 1949, "The Goldbergs", the first sitcom on American television, first airs

• 1950, the Great Brinks Robbery: 11 thieves steal more than $2 million from an armored car Company's offices in Boston

• 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers a televised farewell address to the nation three days before leaving office, in which he warns against the accumulation of power by the "military-industrial complex"

• 1977, convicted murderer Gary Gilmore is executed by a firing squad in Utah, ending a ten-year moratorium on Capital punishment in the United States

• 1981, President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos lifts martial law eight years and five months after declaring it

• 1982, "Cold Sunday": In the United States temperatures fell to their lowest levels in over 100 years in numerous cities

• 1991, Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins early in the morning. Iraq fires 8 Scud missiles into Israel in an unsuccessful bid to provoke Israeli retaliation

• 1993, U.S. missiles attacked an Iraqi nuclear weapons facility outside Baghdad in an effort to destroy Saddam Hussein's ability to build weapons of mass destruction

• 1998, Matt Drudge breaks the story of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair on his website The Drudge Report

• 2001, President Bill Clinton posthumously raises the rank of Meriwether Lewis -- an American explorer, soldier, and public administrator, best known for his role as the leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition -- from Lieutenant to Captain. ALSO: Faced with an electricity crisis, California used rolling blackouts to cut off power to hundreds of thousands of people; Gov. Gray Davis signed an emergency order authorizing the state to buy power

• 2002, a practitioner of that "religion of peace" walked into a bat mitzvah party in northern Israel and opened fire with an assault rifle, killing six people; the gunman was killed by police. ALSO: Mount Nyiragongo erupts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, displacing an estimated 400,000 people

• 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Oregon's assisted suicide law by a 6-3 vote. It allows doctors to help mentally competent terminally ill patients end their lives

• 2007, The Doomsday Clock -- a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago -- is set to five minutes to midnight in response to North Korea nuclear testing. The closer the clock is to midnight, the closer the world is estimated to be to global disaster. As of January 14, 2010, the Doomsday Clock now stands at six minutes to midnight

• 2013, Algerian helicopters and special forces stormed a natural gas plant in the Sahara to rescue hostages from at least 10 countries held by al-Qaida-linked terrorists; nearly all the jihadists and at least 37 of the hostages were killed

• 2014, Major League Baseball announced a "historic" expansion of instant replay to review close calls -- starting in the 2014 season

• 2017, President Barack Obama granted clemency to "Chelsea" Manning, allowing the transgender Army intelligence officer convicted of leaking more than 700,000 U.S. documents to go free nearly three decades early. ALSO: President-elect Donald Trump's choice to head the Interior Department, Rep. Ryan Zinke, rejected the his claim that climate change was a hoax, telling his Senate confirmation hearing it was indisputable that environmental changes were affecting the world's temperature and that human activity was a major reason

[ I N S I G H T ]

(GUTSY) Jonah Goldberg: Is diversity a strength, and should strength be a core value?

News of the Weird: Creeps on Parade

Daniel W. Drezner: The good news about Hawaii's false alarm

Sonny Bunch: Babe's Aziz Ansari piece was a gift to anyone who wants to derail #MeToo

Ben Shapiro: Stop Feministsplaining Sex to Men

L. Brent Bozell III: The Media's Year of Trump Hating

John Stossel: Do-gooders being played for $uckers! Non-profit finds targeting imaginary hate is quite a money generator

Michelle Malkin: Big Brother on America's Fishing Boats

(WOW) 5 ways the future of retail is already here

Ex-CIA officer, suspected mole, charged with keeping notebooks full of classified information. Did multiple deaths result?

Niall Ferguson: Trump's fiery first year is not all that unusual. Ask Bill Clinton

Rich Lowry: Trump's right about the need to pick immigrants for skills

Byron York: Paul Manafort has a point

Salena Zito: Red-State Dems Gamble

David Von Drehle: Keep an eye on one of the most interesting political battlegrounds of 2018

Marco Rubio & Chris Van Hollen: Our elections are in danger. Congress must defend them

Ed Rogers: High stakes for Trump at the World Economic Forum

Walter Williams: Constitutional Ignorance -- Perhaps Contempt

Dry Bones by Ya'akov Kirschen

Mallard Filmore

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